14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Newsletter September 2024

Leaving A Legacy

Patrick Bradley, Director of Operations, Passion for PlantingIs your church leaving a legacy that will be felt for generations to come? This question pops into my head when I read Judges 2:10 which says, “After the whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel.” How is that possible? These were the grandchildren of the people who had witnessed the 10 Plagues, seen God split the Red Sea, and ate Manna from heaven. How could they not know God? It’s because faith in God is always just one generation away from extinction.

That makes me wonder about the ministry legacy we’re leaving for future generations. Are we equipping them with tools and resources for multiplication to reach their generation for Christ, or are we perpetuating the prevailing operating system which is fueled by sustainable addition growth? There is mounting evidence that how we have been adding actually suppresses multiplication. We need to plant churches with reproduction in their DNA, so they plant churches that plant churches in the decades to come.

None of the churches the Apostle Paul planted still exist. Their legacy continues to be felt today all over the world, though, because they weren’t just content to just grow locally. They supported and sent out church planters like Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Priscilla and Aquila to spread the gospel globally.

Your church exists today because someone(s) planted it. The church you came to faith in was once a church plant. How are you now paying forward that blessing for future generations? Don’t let your church be the last link in the chain of church planting that connects back to the Book of Acts. One day your church will no longer exist, but if you support church planting, your legacy will continue to be felt long after you’re gone.

If you’re wondering how your church can be involved in planting new churches, reach out to us. We’d love to help you take a next step towards planting more churches. Don’t let the ‘Someday Syndrome’ keep your church from being involved with planting churches. Partner with other churches through networks like Renew Movement, Acts 29, Church Multiplication Network, and Send Network to do together what you couldn’t do alone.

We want your church to leave a legacy that will be felt by future generations. That’s why we exist and why we’ve filled this month’s newsletter with ideas and resources to help your church reproduce. Enjoy!

-Patrick Bradley, Director of Operations

September 2024 – Content

  • Budget Worksheet Template
  • A Church of House Churches
  • Church Multiplication Strategy Template
  • Launch Stronger

Budget Worksheet Template    

Does the idea of becoming a reproducing church scare you? Are you unsure what you would need to do to become a reproducing church? There are many simple ways your church can be involved in planting new churches. In fact, every church is one decision away from becoming a reproducing church. What is that decision? It’s the decision that your church will tithe to church planting. That’s a simple decision, but it won’t necessarily be an easy one.

You’ll need a financial plan to support that decision if it’s going to happen. That’s why we have all our church plants develop a church plant budget that includes a line item for the next church plant. If your church is ready to become a reproducing church by the simple first step of tithing to church planting, use our Budget Worksheet Template to develop a budget that will support that decision.


A Church of House Churches  

When God instructed the Israelites to build the Tabernacle, he provided very specific blueprints for its construction to Moses. He also gave him specific directions on how the Israelites were to worship him within it. He did this to show us that there is only one way to access God’s presence, and that’s through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. While there is only one source of salvation, there are myriad ways to “do church”.

Unlike the Tabernacle, God didn’t prescribe one model of church structure or even one model of worship gathering for all to follow. Church congregations are all unique based upon the vision God has given them to reach the world for Christ. One church that’s making an impact in the Houston area through reproducing house churches is Church Project, planted by Jason Shepperd in 2010. Over the last fourteen years the church has grown from a team of 40 to a church of 4,000. Learn how their model cultivates a distribution of pastoral leadership and diverse discipleship communities in this interview with Jason: Church Project – A Disciple Making Model. It may transform your perspective on how a church can care for its own, serve its community, and saturate its region with the gospel.

Church Multiplication Strategy Template

Church multiplication starts with a vision, but it’s sustained through a strategy that allocates the church’s best resources to materialize the vision. If your church wants to become a reproducing or multiplying church, develop a strategy that leads you there.

Proverbs 14:15 says, “A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thoughts to his steps.” Dreaming about your church multiplying isn’t alone going to get you there, but setting a course towards multiplication and pursuing that destination will. Use Passion for Planting’s free Multiplication Strategy Template to help jump start your church’s journey towards multiplication.

Launch Stronger  

In 1993, Brett Andrews started New Life Christian Church with the vision of being a church-planting church. This young and small church in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., committed themselves to the mission of planting new churches because they believed it was the best way to reach the lost with the gospel. They still believe this.

In the last few years, however, the leaders of New Life have observed that while being successful in planting new churches, they weren’t being as successful in making disciples of Jesus. They produced new churches, but disciples who were reproducing themselves and living as deployed ambassadors for King Jesus were few and far between.

In Launch Stronger, three of New Life’s leaders reflect upon the lessons they’ve learned while planting hundreds of churches over the last twenty years. They offer solutions for how local congregations can renew their vision and strategy for obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. Get your free Launch Stronger eBook today!

Church Planter Boot Camp

Whether God is calling you to plant a multiplying micro church or a reproducing mega church, you will benefit from practical training that equips you to turn that vision into reality. Regardless of your model, planting a healthy church is hard work. Don’t make it any harder than it has to be.

As Ecclesiastes 10:11 reminds us, “If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen its edge, then one must exert more strength; however, the advantage of wisdom is that it brings success.” Don’t plant without first sharpening your ax. Gain wisdom from seasoned church planters and be equipped with tools that will help you plant a healthy, reproducing church at our next Church Planter Boot Camp

Our new-and-improved boot camp combines online self-paced study and in-person instruction. Our next boot camp is just around the corner, happening Nov 7th-9th in the Washington, D.C. area. Sign up now! Also, bring your spouse or teammates with you using our group discount.

Featured image photo by Jamie Street and Breno Assis from Unsplash.