Systems Thinking [NAMB]
Search through this virtual library of samples, templates, worksheets and more to help your church plant get off to a great start!
Begin New Search- 3494 downloadsA resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design.
Church Groups Strategy Template
Use this template to create a strategy for launching your groups ministry. - 1974 downloads
Church Plant Visiting Checklist
Things to observe as your Launch Team visits another church plant. - 1736 downloads
Assimilation Strategy Template
A strategy worksheet to help you flesh out your followup systems. - 1567 downloads
Ministry Team Signup Form Template
Download & edit this template for recruiting people to serve on ministry teams. - 1134 downloads
Preview Service Followup Letter Template
Easy to edit follow-up letter for those who participated in your preview service. Use this to get you started. - 1074 downloads
Guest Followup Processes Presentation
A presentation on assimilation processes based on the Purpose Driven model. - 1012 downloads
Sample Guest Followup Flowchart
Use this diagram to think through the process of connecting guests. - 937 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Guest Services
Real cards that are used to recruit and train volunteers for the guest services team. - 815 downloads
Sample Visitor Follow Up Letter
The visitor follow up letter Stetzer, Nation & Vaughn used to mail out from Lake Ridge Church. - 287 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Asimilación
en Español - 261 downloads
Sample Assimilation Strategy
A sample of what a completed Assimilation Strategy might look like
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1961 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist [PSBA]
Important steps to take in the first few months after your calling to church planting is affirmed. - 1480 downloads
Church Plant Marketing Ideas
This should stimulate your marketing brain cells and get your creative juices flowing! - 1064 downloads
Commitment Card
Example from New Day Christian Church - 960 downloads
Branding for Church Planters
"...this manual is just a basic, introductory book on branding and media topics." by James Dalman - 818 downloads
Sample Fundraising Commitment Card [SF Project]
Be inspired to design your own fundraising commitment card with this real-life sample. - 663 downloads
Church Name Brainstorm
Stuck on finding the right name for your church? Get some ideas here! - 650 downloads
Church Marketing 101 Book Review
A book review of Richard Reising's Church Marketing 101, a must-read for every church planter. - 624 downloads
Bootstrap Branding
If you can't make a 6-figure commitment to branding, here's how to harness the power of a memorable brand. Courtesy of Richard Layton of Transform Communications. - 617 downloads
Commitment Card - 4-up
Sample commitment card, four on a single page. - 471 downloads
Church Tagline Brainstorming
Crafting a tagline is an important part of the branding process. Use this guide to get your creative juices flowing! - 447 downloads
Aligning Your Brand for Performance
Creating and Managing Brand value from Interbrand. - 410 downloads
Brochure Sample - Buckhead
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 382 downloads
Brochure Sample - Christian Church Buckhead
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 381 downloads
Sample Brochure - South Riding Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 367 downloads
Brochure Sample - Brazos Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions.
Fundamentals of Branding
Some important marketing tips on branding from Vincent Grimaldi. - 338 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 337 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church (1)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 324 downloads
Brochure Sample - Buckhead Yes Card
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 312 downloads
Sample Brochure - LifePointe (2)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 311 downloads
CPM Design Info Form
Sample form to communicate your desires with your graphics designer. Basic questions to consider as you make your own form. - 306 downloads
Sample Brochure - LifePointe (1)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 292 downloads
Brochure Sample - Heartland Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 291 downloads
Brochure Sample - Church of the Holy Spirit Alpha Course
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 274 downloads
Sample Brochure - New Day Community Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 272 downloads
Brochure Sample - Corona Valley Project
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 242 downloads
Sample Brochure - New Community
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 231 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church (2)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions.
Brochure Sample - Buckhead
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 382 downloads
Brochure Sample - Christian Church Buckhead
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 381 downloads
Sample Brochure - South Riding Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 367 downloads
Brochure Sample - Brazos Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions.
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 337 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church (1)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 324 downloads
Brochure Sample - Buckhead Yes Card
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 312 downloads
Sample Brochure - LifePointe (2)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 306 downloads
Sample Brochure - LifePointe (1)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 292 downloads
Brochure Sample - Heartland Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 291 downloads
Brochure Sample - Church of the Holy Spirit Alpha Course
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 274 downloads
Sample Brochure - New Day Community Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 272 downloads
Brochure Sample - Corona Valley Project
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 242 downloads
Sample Brochure - New Community
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 231 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church (2)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions.
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 3128 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 2613 downloads
Church Planting Manual
Comprehensive 61-page guidebook by Pastor John Iuliano - 1141 downloads
Calling, Training & Partnerships [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on church planter calling, training and both groups and vendors to partner with. - 902 downloads
10 Ways Not to Start a Church
Lessons from the life of Gideon on God’s ability to make up for our shortcomings - 685 downloads
Finding the Right Church Planter for the Community
Use this worksheet to determine if a potential planter is a good match for the local community. - 663 downloads
Church Planting Self Assessment [EFCA]
The Evangelical Free Church of America's self-guided church planter assessment. - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023
Church Plant Equipment List
Recommendations for equipment with estimated pricing to help you budget. - 1974 downloads
Church Plant Visiting Checklist
Things to observe as your Launch Team visits another church plant. - 767 downloads
Child Safety Policy Template
An editable document to help you set up healthy boundaries & systems for children's ministry. - 734 downloads
Sample Children's Ministry Recruitment Sheet
Brief description of children's ministry positions you can use to recruit workers! - 669 downloads
Sample Children's Ministry Job Descriptions
In-depth job descriptions that include purpose, term, prep & responsibilities. - 665 downloads
Sample Children's Ministry Job Description Cards
Bookmark-style cards with children's ministry roles - 571 downloads
KidZone Baby Policies
Use this to define your policy for babies. - 550 downloads
KidZone Elementary Policies
Use this to define your Elementary staffing policy. - 234 downloads
Plantilla Lista de Equipo
en Español
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 884 downloads
Management Team Chairman Responsibilities
A must-read for Management Team Chairman role. Help your Church Planter by leading well. - 827 downloads
Coaching Church Planters
Doctoral thesis: "How can a church planter use coaching to grow a healthy, gospel-centered church?" - 599 downloads
Successfully Coaching Church Planters
Dallas Theological Seminary PhD Dissertation by Robert J. Rowley - 435 downloads
Why You Need a Church Planting Coach
Everyone needs a coach...even a church planter!
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3128 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 2613 downloads
Church Planting Manual
Comprehensive 61-page guidebook by Pastor John Iuliano - 1982 downloads
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1961 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist [PSBA]
Important steps to take in the first few months after your calling to church planting is affirmed. - 1587 downloads
Community Needs and Assets Survey Template
Download and customize this community needs assessment survey. - 1296 downloads
Sample Community Profile [Elberfield, IN]
Gain insight into how to pick a location for your church plant. - 1252 downloads
Demographic Information for Your Church Plant
Over 24 hyperlinked resources to do your missionary homework on your community and the people God is calling you to reach. - 1160 downloads
Community Targeting Tool
Helps you both compile your list of contacts and determine which key, strategic contacts to reach out to first. - 1043 downloads
Deploying the Resources [Presentation]
The Holy Spirit has his ways of deploying all of the human, material & spiritual resources... - 956 downloads
Why a Community Needs Assessment?
Why you should get your team involved in determining the real needs in your community during your pre-launch season. - 738 downloads
Average Target Family Worksheet
Use this worksheet to articulate a clear understanding of the people you are trying to reach. - 685 downloads
Finding the Right Church Planter for the Community
Use this worksheet to determine if a potential planter is a good match for the local community. - 646 downloads
Sample Average Target Family
A sample of what a completed Average Target Family Worksheet looks like. - 593 downloads
Community Targeting Working File Template
Use this in conjunction with our Community Targeting Tool to determine which community leaders to network with first. - 422 downloads
Target Area Report Template
Use this worksheet to articulate a clear understanding of the community God is calling you to reach. - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 2360 downloads
Church Groups Strategy Template
Use this template to create a strategy for launching your groups ministry. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1915 downloads
New Church Strategic Planning Process [NAMB]
NAMB's guide to strategic planning in the new church - includes worksheets and samples. - 1635 downloads
Disciple-Making Strategy Template
AKA Discipleship Strategy; articulate how you'll help people follow Jesus and reproduce that in others - 1296 downloads
Sample Community Profile [Elberfield, IN]
Gain insight into how to pick a location for your church plant. - 1265 downloads
Sample Worship Team Philosophy and Expectations
What the worship team does, why, and who can be involved - 1237 downloads
New Group or Class Checklist
A checklist to request approval for a new group or class and get it promoted. - 828 downloads
How The Story Was Developed
If you're looking for the backstory on The Story, here's a brief document from the source! - 302 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Discipulado
Our Disciple-Making Strategy Template en Español - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023 - 204 downloads
Sample Church Groups Strategy
A sample of what a completed Church Groups Strategy looks like.
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 302 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Discipulado
Our Disciple-Making Strategy Template en Español - 287 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Asimilación
en Español - 272 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de los Equipos de Ministerio
en Español - 234 downloads
Plantilla Lista de Equipo
en Español - 220 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Networking en la Comunidad
en Español - 206 downloads
Plantilla Hoja de Trabajo Presupuesto Nueva Iglesia
en Español - 204 downloads
Alcance y Plan de Mercadotecnia
en Español - 204 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Personal
en Español - 188 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia del Equipo de Oracion
en Español - 187 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Alcance
en Español - 153 downloads
Plantilla Expectativas del Dia de Inaguración
en Español - 147 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia del Equipo de Lanzamiento
en Español - 142 downloads
Plantilla Filosofía del Ministerio
en Español - 139 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Lanzamiento
en Español - 137 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Mercadotecnia
en Español
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 2570 downloads
Church Plant Equipment List
Recommendations for equipment with estimated pricing to help you budget. - 1141 downloads
Calling, Training & Partnerships [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on church planter calling, training and both groups and vendors to partner with. - 1080 downloads
Facility & Equipment Strategy Template
This template will help you make up-front, high-level, strategic decisions about facility & equipment. - 626 downloads
Sample Equipment List [Portable Church]
A listing of the kinds of equipment you'll need that Portable Church Industries has to offer. - 596 downloads
Choosing the Right Equipment [Exponential 2014 Presentation]
Portable Church Industries explains the competing values you'll face in choosing portable equipment. Sample lists included. - 234 downloads
Plantilla Lista de Equipo
en Español
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1206 downloads
Building a Launch Team [Exponential 2014 Presentation ]
Dave Page walks you through building your launch team before, during & after your preview services. - 1163 downloads
The Launch Plan [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on Launch Plan, Launch Strategy & Launch Vision. - 1141 downloads
Calling, Training & Partnerships [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on church planter calling, training and both groups and vendors to partner with. - 1057 downloads
Raising Money While Building a Launch Team [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Dave Page shares his wisdom on why people give, practical fundraising tips, and avoiding harmful shortcuts. - 1041 downloads
Funding the Mission [Exponential 2014 Presentation]
Jim Sheppard & Julie Bullock give you amazing pointers on fundraising & finances. - 787 downloads
Building A Launch Team From Scratch [Exponential 2019 Presentation]
Proven principles for building a launch team from scratch. - 633 downloads
Church Leadership Bibliography
Greg Wiens' excellent list of books on leadership from many perspectives. - 612 downloads
Get Your 501c3 Faster [Exponential 2022 Presentation]
Plain-language helps and hacks to un-complicate filing church legal paperwork. Always consult with a legal professional before filing anything! - 606 downloads
Funding Your Vision [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Fundraising expertise and experience from seasoned practitioners. - 605 downloads
Church Life Cycles [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Healthy Growing Churches walks you from birth through death of a church and what it takes to lead at each stage. - 602 downloads
Planning & Strategies [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on the 4 burning issues of church plant planning. - 596 downloads
Choosing the Right Equipment [Exponential 2014 Presentation]
Portable Church Industries explains the competing values you'll face in choosing portable equipment. Sample lists included. - 589 downloads
Life Cycle of a Church Graphic
Image that depicts the birth to death life cycle of a congregation. - 515 downloads
Finding Your A-Game [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Greg Wiens & Tom Planck’s presentation at Expo East 2016. HGC - 494 downloads
Launch Strong eBook
Launch Strong will help you plan for church planting step-by-step with God. - 478 downloads
Core Values, Dave Page, Expo West
Shape the identity of your church plant, define your ideal reputation. - 460 downloads
Vision, Dave Page, Expo West
Overcome barriers and define your vision clearly; learn from many who have paved the way. - 413 downloads
Missional Context, Dave Page, Expo West
Where do you want to plant and how will that impact your ministry design? - 325 downloads
Marketing and Outreach
Dave Page's presentation during Expo 2014. - 320 downloads
The Launch Plan [Exponential 2022 Presentation]
Patrick Bradley's presentation on creating a Launch Strategy and Launch Plan. - 310 downloads
Moving from 'Should' to 'How'
Tom Planck's presentation at Exponential East 2016. HGC - 284 downloads
Notes for Finding your A-Game as a Leader
Notes from Greg Wiens & Tom Planck’s presentation at Expo East 2016. HGC - 274 downloads
Exponential Regional Chicago - Prelaunch Preconference
Here is the slideshow we presented at Chicago's first regional, Nov 15, 2016. - 265 downloads
Marketing and Outreach Handout [Exponential 2014]
Dave Page's handout from Expo 2014 workshop on marketing & outreach. - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023 - 16 downloads
Launch Strong(er) eBook
Launch Stronger will help you plan for church planting with a disciple-making focus step-by-step with God.
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages). - 1296 downloads
Sample Community Profile [Elberfield, IN]
Gain insight into how to pick a location for your church plant. - 1080 downloads
Facility & Equipment Strategy Template
This template will help you make up-front, high-level, strategic decisions about facility & equipment. - 789 downloads
Church Insurance Basics
Church insurance is a complicated matter and can be expensive. Learn all you can first! - 724 downloads
Facility Brainstorming Worksheet
If you're feeling stuck finding a facility, use this brainstorming worksheet to help you think outside the box. - 656 downloads
Facility Tour Checklist
Things to consider as your tour a potential facility for worship gatherings. - 598 downloads
Facility Selection Worksheet
Use this worksheet to assign scores to your facility options to help you determine the best choice. - 580 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Facility Team
Real cards that are used to recruit and train volunteers for the facility team. - 530 downloads
Sample Formal Facility Request
This letter was used as a formal request of the facility owners to let the church rent their building. - 481 downloads
Finding a Facility
Helpful categories and considerations as you hunt for a worship gathering facility. - 476 downloads
Sample Church Lease Agreement
Complete 10-page sample for your reference. Always consult with a professional! - 190 downloads
Facility Story -- Pine Ridge
Short testimonial to encourage you as you search for a place to worship in your community.
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 3128 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 2570 downloads
Church Plant Equipment List
Recommendations for equipment with estimated pricing to help you budget. - 2363 downloads
Church Plant Budget Worksheet Template
A worksheet to get you started on your budget. Advanced functionality. - 1961 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist [PSBA]
Important steps to take in the first few months after your calling to church planting is affirmed. - 1915 downloads
New Church Strategic Planning Process [NAMB]
NAMB's guide to strategic planning in the new church - includes worksheets and samples. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages). - 1389 downloads
Creating the Worship Experience
Key questions to ask as you create an atmosphere that is conducive to the worshiper experiencing God. - 1312 downloads
Sample Fundraising Letter [Momentum]
Dan Smith's fundraising letter to family and friends (Momentum Christian Church). - 1223 downloads
Sample Church Plant Budget
A church plant budget worksheet template filled out with real numbers so you can see the math. - 1192 downloads
Fundraising Worksheet Template
Build your contact list, sort & take notes on your fundraising progress. - 1184 downloads
Donor Acknowledgement Letter Template
Complete this Acknowledgement Letter when a donor has provided a non-cash donation to your church. - 1169 downloads
Staffing Strategy Template
Read and complete this template to get your staffing strategy well underway! - 1080 downloads
Facility & Equipment Strategy Template
This template will help you make up-front, high-level, strategic decisions about facility & equipment. - 1043 downloads
Deploying the Resources [Presentation]
The Holy Spirit has his ways of deploying all of the human, material & spiritual resources... - 884 downloads
Management Team Chairman Responsibilities
A must-read for Management Team Chairman role. Help your Church Planter by leading well. - 842 downloads
Church Plant Finances [Chapter 14]
Develop a plan to resource a new church plant financially and develop a new church budget - 818 downloads
Sample Fundraising Commitment Card [SF Project]
Be inspired to design your own fundraising commitment card with this real-life sample. - 789 downloads
Church Insurance Basics
Church insurance is a complicated matter and can be expensive. Learn all you can first! - 787 downloads
Building A Launch Team From Scratch [Exponential 2019 Presentation]
Proven principles for building a launch team from scratch. - 781 downloads
Sample Budget Categories
Extensive & simplified versions of a chart of accounts with category numbers. - 778 downloads
Housing Allowance Calculation and Request Worksheet
It does the math for you and produces a printable request to submit to your Board! Always consult a CPA or tax professional. - 614 downloads
Reimbursement Form Template
Use this customizable reimbursement form for staff & volunteer reimbursements. - 606 downloads
Funding Your Vision [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Fundraising expertise and experience from seasoned practitioners. - 582 downloads
Benevolence Policy & Request Form Template
Use this to get your benevolence policy and procedures in place. - 519 downloads
Sample Reimbursement Policy
Every church should have a written reimbursement policy. Download this sample for inspiration! - 483 downloads
Sample Fundraising Strategy
What a completed Fundraising Strategy might look like - 305 downloads
The New Offering Basket
Is online giving right for your church? In this day and age, it probably is. Consider your options. - 287 downloads
Health Care Insurance Options
How can your new church afford to provide it for the planter and staff? Here's a brief overview by our friends at Stadia. - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023 - 234 downloads
Plantilla Lista de Equipo
en Español - 206 downloads
Plantilla Hoja de Trabajo Presupuesto Nueva Iglesia
en Español - 204 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Personal
en Español
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 3128 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 2552 downloads
Launch Vision Contents Template
This template will walk you through writing the raw materials that will be used to design your Launch Vision booklet. - 1312 downloads
Sample Fundraising Letter [Momentum]
Dan Smith's fundraising letter to family and friends (Momentum Christian Church). - 1282 downloads
Fundraising Strategy Template
Use this template to get you started on developing a fundraising strategy. - 1249 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Restore Community Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book from a church plant in Silver Spring, MD. - 1192 downloads
Fundraising Worksheet Template
Build your contact list, sort & take notes on your fundraising progress. - 1184 downloads
Donor Acknowledgement Letter Template
Complete this Acknowledgement Letter when a donor has provided a non-cash donation to your church. - 1162 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Passion Church]
This is the Launch Vision booklet for Passion Church in southeast Boise, ID. - 1141 downloads
Calling, Training & Partnerships [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on church planter calling, training and both groups and vendors to partner with. - 1108 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Lighthouse Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book used by Lighthouse Church in Denver, CO. - 1064 downloads
Commitment Card
Example from New Day Christian Church - 1057 downloads
Raising Money While Building a Launch Team [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Dave Page shares his wisdom on why people give, practical fundraising tips, and avoiding harmful shortcuts. - 1041 downloads
Funding the Mission [Exponential 2014 Presentation]
Jim Sheppard & Julie Bullock give you amazing pointers on fundraising & finances. - 1023 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [EastPointe Church]
A real launch vision booklet used to raise support and recruit launch team members. - 962 downloads
Caton Letter
Sample fundraising letter. Momentum Christian Church. Matt, Amy and Naomi Caton. - 818 downloads
Sample Fundraising Commitment Card [SF Project]
Be inspired to design your own fundraising commitment card with this real-life sample. - 787 downloads
Building A Launch Team From Scratch [Exponential 2019 Presentation]
Proven principles for building a launch team from scratch. - 648 downloads
Sample Fundraising Brochure [True North]
Check out this real-life fundraising brochure with tear-off commitment card. - 624 downloads
Fundraising Thank You Letter Template
Use this template as a jumping off point for writing your fundraising thank you letter. - 617 downloads
Commitment Card - 4-up
Sample commitment card, four on a single page. - 606 downloads
Funding Your Vision [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Fundraising expertise and experience from seasoned practitioners. - 483 downloads
Sample Fundraising Strategy
What a completed Fundraising Strategy might look like - 475 downloads
Sample Phone Script for Calling Churches
Download and customize this editable fundraising phone script used by a real church in NC. - 411 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Connect Church]
This is the Launch Vision booklet for Connect Church in Lone Tree, CO. - 399 downloads
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3128 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 2613 downloads
Church Planting Manual
Comprehensive 61-page guidebook by Pastor John Iuliano - 2552 downloads
Launch Vision Contents Template
This template will walk you through writing the raw materials that will be used to design your Launch Vision booklet. - 2135 downloads
Launch Strategy Template
Fill-in-the-blank document you can use to create your launch strategy. A must-have resource! - 1982 downloads
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1961 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist [PSBA]
Important steps to take in the first few months after your calling to church planting is affirmed. - 1921 downloads
New Church Planning Checklist
A comprehensive list of 400+ tasks, the basis for PlanterPlan. - 1915 downloads
New Church Strategic Planning Process [NAMB]
NAMB's guide to strategic planning in the new church - includes worksheets and samples. - 1328 downloads
Sample Launch Strategy [Columbia Heights]
This is an actual strategy document (16 pages) to use as a sample. - 1296 downloads
Sample Community Profile [Elberfield, IN]
Gain insight into how to pick a location for your church plant. - 1252 downloads
Demographic Information for Your Church Plant
Over 24 hyperlinked resources to do your missionary homework on your community and the people God is calling you to reach. - 1249 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Restore Community Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book from a church plant in Silver Spring, MD. - 1163 downloads
The Launch Plan [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on Launch Plan, Launch Strategy & Launch Vision. - 1108 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Lighthouse Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book used by Lighthouse Church in Denver, CO. - 1079 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Common Ground]
Launch vision booklet for Common Ground church plant near Seattle. - 1043 downloads
Deploying the Resources [Presentation]
The Holy Spirit has his ways of deploying all of the human, material & spiritual resources... - 1041 downloads
Funding the Mission [Exponential 2014 Presentation]
Jim Sheppard & Julie Bullock give you amazing pointers on fundraising & finances. - 1004 downloads
Church Multiplication Strategy Template
A tool to think through how you’ll work church multiplication into the very fiber of your church’s DNA, and how you’ll make it stick - 881 downloads
Launch Sunday Checklist
Make sure everything's in place and ready for the launch of regular worship gatherings! - 856 downloads
Opening Day Expectations Template
Define what opening day looks like -- explicitly. Use this template (with form fields) to set achievable goals. - 791 downloads
Starting a Church That Keeps On Growing
Checklist for each phase of development, by Robert E. Logan and Jeff Rast - 784 downloads
Sample Opening Day Expectations
Our sample of what a completed Opening Day Expectations Template looks like. - 781 downloads
Sample Marketing Strategy
A sample of what a completed Marketing Strategy Template looks like. - 775 downloads
Sample Strategic Action Plan [EastPointe]
A high-level overview of the 5 phases of the Eastpointe Church plant. - 762 downloads
Questions for Writing Your Launch Strategy
Use these questions to help you flesh out your Launch Strategy proposal. - 648 downloads
Church Planting Proposal
Seminary document for church planter basic training - 616 downloads
Sample Launch Strategy [Christ City Church]
A real launch strategy document from the Christ City Church plant in Memphis, TN. - 602 downloads
Planning & Strategies [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on the 4 burning issues of church plant planning. - 601 downloads
Sample Launch Strategy [Restoration Community Church]
A ministry vision for building a restored community. Nice format, excellent content. - 500 downloads
Sample Outreach Strategy
A sample of what a completed Outreach Strategy Template looks like. - 494 downloads
Launch Strong eBook
Launch Strong will help you plan for church planting step-by-step with God. - 444 downloads
Sample Launch Strategy [Restoration Church]
A real-life launch strategy used by a church plant in Philadelphia, PA. - 410 downloads
Baldwin Park FL Proposal
Launch plan for Baldwin Park Presbyterian Church. - 409 downloads
Eastside Mosaic Church Prospectus
Colorful prospectus fro Mosaic Church - 403 downloads
Gateway Community Church - Cover Letter
Sample letter to go along with their strategy plan. - 399 downloads
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 375 downloads
Average Family in Merced
Written description of what an average family looks like in target city. - 348 downloads
Frankfort Kentucky Church Plant Strategy
Detailed strategy for planting a church in Frankfort, Kentucky - 336 downloads
Sample Final Planning Meeting Agenda
Agenda for a meeting to get all of the key stakeholders on the same page at the beginning of the church plant - 320 downloads
The Launch Plan [Exponential 2022 Presentation]
Patrick Bradley's presentation on creating a Launch Strategy and Launch Plan. - 301 downloads
Crossroads Church - Lebanon
Strategy plant for Lebanon, Tennessee: The Birth of a New Church. - 261 downloads
EPIC Community Church
General information for anyone interested in partnering with EPIC Community church, Clarksville, Tennessee. - 236 downloads
Sample Church Plant Marketing Plan
A sample of what a completed Marketing Plan looks like. - 236 downloads
Sample Launch Strategy [Connect Church]
This is an actual strategy document for 2020, built using the P4P Launch Strategy Template - 196 downloads
Sample Church Multiplication Strategy
A sample of what a completed Church Multiplication Strategy might look like - 153 downloads
Plantilla Expectativas del Dia de Inaguración
en Español - 139 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Lanzamiento
en Español - 16 downloads
Launch Strong(er) eBook
Launch Stronger will help you plan for church planting with a disciple-making focus step-by-step with God.
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 2613 downloads
Church Planting Manual
Comprehensive 61-page guidebook by Pastor John Iuliano - 2552 downloads
Launch Vision Contents Template
This template will walk you through writing the raw materials that will be used to design your Launch Vision booklet. - 1974 downloads
Church Plant Visiting Checklist
Things to observe as your Launch Team visits another church plant. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1961 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist [PSBA]
Important steps to take in the first few months after your calling to church planting is affirmed. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages). - 1567 downloads
Ministry Team Signup Form Template
Download & edit this template for recruiting people to serve on ministry teams. - 1421 downloads
Ministry Teams Strategy Template
A template to help you articulate the importance of teams and describe their basic structures at your church - 1273 downloads
Launch Team Development Strategy Template
Make important decisions about how you’ll find your team and what you’ll do with them. - 1249 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Restore Community Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book from a church plant in Silver Spring, MD. - 1206 downloads
Building a Launch Team [Exponential 2014 Presentation ]
Dave Page walks you through building your launch team before, during & after your preview services. - 1162 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Passion Church]
This is the Launch Vision booklet for Passion Church in southeast Boise, ID. - 1057 downloads
Raising Money While Building a Launch Team [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Dave Page shares his wisdom on why people give, practical fundraising tips, and avoiding harmful shortcuts. - 1043 downloads
Deploying the Resources [Presentation]
The Holy Spirit has his ways of deploying all of the human, material & spiritual resources... - 1023 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [EastPointe Church]
A real launch vision booklet used to raise support and recruit launch team members. - 971 downloads
Sample Launch Team Expectations
Examples of what planters would invite Launch Team members to commit to (AKA commitment, agreement, covenant). - 956 downloads
Why a Community Needs Assessment?
Why you should get your team involved in determining the real needs in your community during your pre-launch season. - 922 downloads
Sample Community Networking Interview Questions
A list of questions you can ask civic leaders and influencers when you network with them. - 716 downloads
Core Group Studies
Thoughts on creating the nucleus of leaders necessary to make possible the launching of a new church. - 606 downloads
Ministry Team Responsibilities Template
A template to help you determine which ministry teams need to do which things, and what you'll call the teams - 500 downloads
Sample Outreach Strategy
A sample of what a completed Outreach Strategy Template looks like. - 411 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Connect Church]
This is the Launch Vision booklet for Connect Church in Lone Tree, CO. - 399 downloads
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 272 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de los Equipos de Ministerio
en Español - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023 - 240 downloads
Sample Launch Team Development Strategy
Check out the Launch Team Development Strategy of Direction Church for inspiration as you dream about how God's going to build your team. - 147 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia del Equipo de Lanzamiento
en Español
Launch Vision Contents Template
This template will walk you through writing the raw materials that will be used to design your Launch Vision booklet. - 1249 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Restore Community Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book from a church plant in Silver Spring, MD. - 1163 downloads
The Launch Plan [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on Launch Plan, Launch Strategy & Launch Vision. - 1162 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Passion Church]
This is the Launch Vision booklet for Passion Church in southeast Boise, ID. - 1108 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Lighthouse Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book used by Lighthouse Church in Denver, CO. - 1079 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Common Ground]
Launch vision booklet for Common Ground church plant near Seattle. - 1023 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [EastPointe Church]
A real launch vision booklet used to raise support and recruit launch team members. - 602 downloads
Planning & Strategies [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Dale Spaulding's presentation on the 4 burning issues of church plant planning. - 411 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Connect Church]
This is the Launch Vision booklet for Connect Church in Lone Tree, CO. - 399 downloads
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 320 downloads
The Launch Plan [Exponential 2022 Presentation]
Patrick Bradley's presentation on creating a Launch Strategy and Launch Plan.
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 1915 downloads
New Church Strategic Planning Process [NAMB]
NAMB's guide to strategic planning in the new church - includes worksheets and samples. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages). - 1466 downloads
Leadership Matrix Template
Use this matrix for staffing your leaders and volunteers for activities. - 1434 downloads
Church Bylaws Template
Editable version of Bylaws in MS Word format. Always consult with an attorney! - 1421 downloads
Ministry Teams Strategy Template
A template to help you articulate the importance of teams and describe their basic structures at your church - 1237 downloads
New Group or Class Checklist
A checklist to request approval for a new group or class and get it promoted. - 1228 downloads
Community Networking Strategy Template
Download this template to work through how you'll meet with leaders & influencers in your community. - 1169 downloads
Staffing Strategy Template
Read and complete this template to get your staffing strategy well underway! - 956 downloads
Why a Community Needs Assessment?
Why you should get your team involved in determining the real needs in your community during your pre-launch season. - 922 downloads
Sample Community Networking Interview Questions
A list of questions you can ask civic leaders and influencers when you network with them. - 902 downloads
10 Ways Not to Start a Church
Lessons from the life of Gideon on God’s ability to make up for our shortcomings - 902 downloads
Community Networking Contact List Template
Build your contact list, sort & and start meeting civic leaders & influencers in your community. - 885 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Musician
A real job description tool used by Momentum Christian Church to recruit & retain musicians. - 884 downloads
Management Team Chairman Responsibilities
A must-read for Management Team Chairman role. Help your Church Planter by leading well. - 838 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Vocalist
A real job description tool used by Momentum Christian Church to recruit & retain vocalists. - 827 downloads
Coaching Church Planters
Doctoral thesis: "How can a church planter use coaching to grow a healthy, gospel-centered church?" - 826 downloads
Sample Church Leadership Expectations
Actual example of New Life Christian Church's leadership expectations document. - 717 downloads
Sample Leadership Matrix
Download this sample for insight and inspiration in structuring your ministry teams and leadership. - 688 downloads
The Alignment Model
God builds the church according to His purposes and vision. Our role is to cooperate with what He is already up to. - 657 downloads
Why Use Teams [Presentation]
Download this presentation on using the team approach in church planting. - 638 downloads
Leadership Multiplication Strategy Template
Formulate a process that empowers people to grow in their leadership capacity and exercise their influence to expand God's kingdom. - 633 downloads
Church Leadership Bibliography
Greg Wiens' excellent list of books on leadership from many perspectives. - 622 downloads
The Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Planting a Church
An Interview with church planter Drew Field about his experience planting in Silicon Valley. - 606 downloads
Ministry Team Responsibilities Template
A template to help you determine which ministry teams need to do which things, and what you'll call the teams - 605 downloads
Church Life Cycles [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Healthy Growing Churches walks you from birth through death of a church and what it takes to lead at each stage. - 589 downloads
Life Cycle of a Church Graphic
Image that depicts the birth to death life cycle of a congregation. - 515 downloads
Finding Your A-Game [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Greg Wiens & Tom Planck’s presentation at Expo East 2016. HGC - 360 downloads
Sample Leadership Multiplication Strategy
A completed Leadership Development Strategy Template that shows how one church goes about it. - 341 downloads
Switch Theory: a Proactive Planning Tool
A tool for proactive planning and reactive problem solving. - 272 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de los Equipos de Ministerio
en Español - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023 - 232 downloads
Sample Church Planter Resident Job Description
Here's an example of a church planter resident job description. Edit to your liking! - 220 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Networking en la Comunidad
en Español - 204 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Personal
en Español
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 1434 downloads
Church Bylaws Template
Editable version of Bylaws in MS Word format. Always consult with an attorney! - 1184 downloads
Donor Acknowledgement Letter Template
Complete this Acknowledgement Letter when a donor has provided a non-cash donation to your church. - 1086 downloads
Articles of Incorporation Template
Template to help you develop your business related documents. This is not legal advice. Always consult an attorney. - 884 downloads
Management Team Chairman Responsibilities
A must-read for Management Team Chairman role. Help your Church Planter by leading well. - 778 downloads
Housing Allowance Calculation and Request Worksheet
It does the math for you and produces a printable request to submit to your Board! Always consult a CPA or tax professional. - 767 downloads
Child Safety Policy Template
An editable document to help you set up healthy boundaries & systems for children's ministry. - 663 downloads
Church Name Brainstorm
Stuck on finding the right name for your church? Get some ideas here! - 620 downloads
Church Bylaws Checklist
Make sure you’ve included the most important stuff in your church bylaws! - 612 downloads
Get Your 501c3 Faster [Exponential 2022 Presentation]
Plain-language helps and hacks to un-complicate filing church legal paperwork. Always consult with a legal professional before filing anything! - 557 downloads
Sample Church Staff Handbook
This 41-page Staff Handbook (sample) is based on questions that are frequently asked by staff members. - 519 downloads
Sample Reimbursement Policy
Every church should have a written reimbursement policy. Download this sample for inspiration! - 511 downloads
Church Job Offer Letter Template
Download and modify this job offer letter when you hire church staff. - 477 downloads
Social Media Policy Template
Use this document to help set your social media policy - 477 downloads
Church Staff Policy Manual Template
Download and customize this staff policy manual - 476 downloads
Sample Church Lease Agreement
Complete 10-page sample for your reference. Always consult with a professional! - 464 downloads
Church Plant Legal Paperwork
A self-help overview of the steps to file the legal paperwork to get your church plant started - 390 downloads
Conflict of Interest Policy
Protect the church's interest when entering into a business arrangement. - 360 downloads
Church Board Meeting Minutes Template
An editable document to help you keep good records of corporate meetings and decisions. - 195 downloads
Tax Guide for Churches 2016
IRS publication 1828, June 2016 - 78 downloads
Church Doctrines Template
Template to help you articulate your closely held beliefs. This is not legal advice. Always consult an attorney.
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 2613 downloads
Church Planting Manual
Comprehensive 61-page guidebook by Pastor John Iuliano - 1982 downloads
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1480 downloads
Church Plant Marketing Ideas
This should stimulate your marketing brain cells and get your creative juices flowing! - 1237 downloads
New Group or Class Checklist
A checklist to request approval for a new group or class and get it promoted. - 1010 downloads
Church Event Planning Checklist
Don't let anything fall through the cracks! Use the checklist to plan your church event like a pro. - 968 downloads
Marketing Strategy Template
Fill in the blank template to get you started on your Marketing Strategy - 960 downloads
Branding for Church Planters
"...this manual is just a basic, introductory book on branding and media topics." by James Dalman - 781 downloads
Sample Marketing Strategy
A sample of what a completed Marketing Strategy Template looks like. - 677 downloads
Outreach Event Selection Worksheet
Use this worksheet to assign scores to your outreach event opportunities to help you determine best choices. - 663 downloads
Church Name Brainstorm
Stuck on finding the right name for your church? Get some ideas here! - 650 downloads
Church Marketing 101 Book Review
A book review of Richard Reising's Church Marketing 101, a must-read for every church planter. - 646 downloads
Sample Average Target Family
A sample of what a completed Average Target Family Worksheet looks like. - 624 downloads
Bootstrap Branding
If you can't make a 6-figure commitment to branding, here's how to harness the power of a memorable brand. Courtesy of Richard Layton of Transform Communications. - 600 downloads
Sample Community Needs and Assets Survey [Hope Fellowship]
Hope Fellowship's community needs assessment survey instrument. - 516 downloads
Church Plant Guerrilla Marketing
Creative and low-budget ideas to get your message out. - 471 downloads
Church Tagline Brainstorming
Crafting a tagline is an important part of the branding process. Use this guide to get your creative juices flowing! - 469 downloads
Church Social Media Strategy Template
This worksheet will help you craft a simple yet comprehensive approach to using social media for your church - 447 downloads
Aligning Your Brand for Performance
Creating and Managing Brand value from Interbrand. - 341 downloads
Sample Christmas Eve Invitation Letter
Sample letter inviting the community to Rolling Field Baptist Church's Christmas Eve gathering - 340 downloads
Fundamentals of Branding
Some important marketing tips on branding from Vincent Grimaldi. - 321 downloads
Igor Naming Guide (Full)
Full, 122-page guide to finding the perfect name. - 279 downloads
Igor Naming Guide (Short)
Short, 28-page version of the Igor guide to finding the perfect name for your church. - 238 downloads
Church Plant Marketing Plan Template
Fill in dates & dollars to move your marketing strategies from theory to action - 236 downloads
Sample Church Plant Marketing Plan
A sample of what a completed Marketing Plan looks like. - 216 downloads
Direct Mail Keys
Four key things a Church Planter should consider when doing a direct-mail campaign - 204 downloads
Alcance y Plan de Mercadotecnia
en Español - 178 downloads
Direct Mail FAQs
Important definitions to help you understand the language of the post office and direct mail marketing. - 156 downloads
Naming a New Church
Concise, 4-page document to guide your thought process for naming your church. - 137 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Mercadotecnia
en Español
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 2570 downloads
Church Plant Equipment List
Recommendations for equipment with estimated pricing to help you budget. - 1974 downloads
Church Plant Visiting Checklist
Things to observe as your Launch Team visits another church plant. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages). - 1742 downloads
Sample Order of Service Worksheet
If you're not using Planning Center, you need this worksheet to help you manage time for Sunday services. - 1567 downloads
Ministry Team Signup Form Template
Download & edit this template for recruiting people to serve on ministry teams. - 1466 downloads
Leadership Matrix Template
Use this matrix for staffing your leaders and volunteers for activities. - 1421 downloads
Ministry Teams Strategy Template
A template to help you articulate the importance of teams and describe their basic structures at your church - 1389 downloads
Creating the Worship Experience
Key questions to ask as you create an atmosphere that is conducive to the worshiper experiencing God. - 1265 downloads
Sample Worship Team Philosophy and Expectations
What the worship team does, why, and who can be involved - 1237 downloads
New Group or Class Checklist
A checklist to request approval for a new group or class and get it promoted. - 1010 downloads
Church Event Planning Checklist
Don't let anything fall through the cracks! Use the checklist to plan your church event like a pro. - 937 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Guest Services
Real cards that are used to recruit and train volunteers for the guest services team. - 885 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Musician
A real job description tool used by Momentum Christian Church to recruit & retain musicians. - 838 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Vocalist
A real job description tool used by Momentum Christian Church to recruit & retain vocalists. - 826 downloads
Sample Church Leadership Expectations
Actual example of New Life Christian Church's leadership expectations document. - 767 downloads
Child Safety Policy Template
An editable document to help you set up healthy boundaries & systems for children's ministry. - 734 downloads
Sample Children's Ministry Recruitment Sheet
Brief description of children's ministry positions you can use to recruit workers! - 717 downloads
Sample Leadership Matrix
Download this sample for insight and inspiration in structuring your ministry teams and leadership. - 669 downloads
Sample Children's Ministry Job Descriptions
In-depth job descriptions that include purpose, term, prep & responsibilities. - 665 downloads
Sample Children's Ministry Job Description Cards
Bookmark-style cards with children's ministry roles - 657 downloads
Why Use Teams [Presentation]
Download this presentation on using the team approach in church planting. - 606 downloads
Ministry Team Responsibilities Template
A template to help you determine which ministry teams need to do which things, and what you'll call the teams - 580 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Facility Team
Real cards that are used to recruit and train volunteers for the facility team. - 571 downloads
KidZone Baby Policies
Use this to define your policy for babies. - 550 downloads
KidZone Elementary Policies
Use this to define your Elementary staffing policy. - 541 downloads
Sample Volunteer Job Description - Hospitality
Real cards that are used to recruit and train volunteers for the hospitality team. - 481 downloads
Sample Ministry Teams Matrix
A list of one church's Sunday morning ministry teams and their positions with brief descriptions. - 272 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de los Equipos de Ministerio
en Español - 234 downloads
Plantilla Lista de Equipo
en Español
Church Models
There are 7 basic ways to plant a church. - 688 downloads
The Alignment Model
God builds the church according to His purposes and vision. Our role is to cooperate with what He is already up to. - 615 downloads
Church Plant Model Effectiveness Comparison
PhD Dissertation: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Selected Church PLanting Models Measured by Conversion Growth and New Church Starts, by Joel Owens Rainey
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 2552 downloads
Launch Vision Contents Template
This template will walk you through writing the raw materials that will be used to design your Launch Vision booklet. - 1982 downloads
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1587 downloads
Community Needs and Assets Survey Template
Download and customize this community needs assessment survey. - 1480 downloads
Church Plant Marketing Ideas
This should stimulate your marketing brain cells and get your creative juices flowing! - 1296 downloads
Sample Community Profile [Elberfield, IN]
Gain insight into how to pick a location for your church plant. - 1228 downloads
Community Networking Strategy Template
Download this template to work through how you'll meet with leaders & influencers in your community. - 1160 downloads
Community Targeting Tool
Helps you both compile your list of contacts and determine which key, strategic contacts to reach out to first. - 1082 downloads
Sample Outreach Ideas
Here's our 2-page list of ideas for outreach. Use this to get your creative juices flowing! - 956 downloads
Why a Community Needs Assessment?
Why you should get your team involved in determining the real needs in your community during your pre-launch season. - 922 downloads
Sample Community Networking Interview Questions
A list of questions you can ask civic leaders and influencers when you network with them. - 902 downloads
Community Networking Contact List Template
Build your contact list, sort & and start meeting civic leaders & influencers in your community. - 600 downloads
Sample Community Needs and Assets Survey [Hope Fellowship]
Hope Fellowship's community needs assessment survey instrument. - 593 downloads
Community Targeting Working File Template
Use this in conjunction with our Community Targeting Tool to determine which community leaders to network with first. - 500 downloads
Sample Outreach Strategy
A sample of what a completed Outreach Strategy Template looks like. - 399 downloads
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 243 downloads
Church Planting Nuts & Bolts [Expo 2023]
Slide deck from our pre-conference equipping lab 2023 - 220 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Networking en la Comunidad
en Español
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 1982 downloads
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1966 downloads
Getting Butts in Seats [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Passion for Planting's presentation about building momentum and growing your Launch Team. - 1587 downloads
Community Needs and Assets Survey Template
Download and customize this community needs assessment survey. - 1480 downloads
Church Plant Marketing Ideas
This should stimulate your marketing brain cells and get your creative juices flowing! - 1296 downloads
Sample Community Profile [Elberfield, IN]
Gain insight into how to pick a location for your church plant. - 1228 downloads
Community Networking Strategy Template
Download this template to work through how you'll meet with leaders & influencers in your community. - 1160 downloads
Community Targeting Tool
Helps you both compile your list of contacts and determine which key, strategic contacts to reach out to first. - 1134 downloads
Preview Service Followup Letter Template
Easy to edit follow-up letter for those who participated in your preview service. Use this to get you started. - 1102 downloads
Outreach Strategy Template
Putting a church outreach strategy together is an intentional process. Use this template! - 1082 downloads
Sample Outreach Ideas
Here's our 2-page list of ideas for outreach. Use this to get your creative juices flowing! - 1010 downloads
Church Event Planning Checklist
Don't let anything fall through the cracks! Use the checklist to plan your church event like a pro. - 956 downloads
Why a Community Needs Assessment?
Why you should get your team involved in determining the real needs in your community during your pre-launch season. - 922 downloads
Sample Community Networking Interview Questions
A list of questions you can ask civic leaders and influencers when you network with them. - 902 downloads
Community Networking Contact List Template
Build your contact list, sort & and start meeting civic leaders & influencers in your community. - 781 downloads
Sample Marketing Strategy
A sample of what a completed Marketing Strategy Template looks like. - 677 downloads
Outreach Event Selection Worksheet
Use this worksheet to assign scores to your outreach event opportunities to help you determine best choices. - 646 downloads
Sample Average Target Family
A sample of what a completed Average Target Family Worksheet looks like. - 600 downloads
Sample Community Needs and Assets Survey [Hope Fellowship]
Hope Fellowship's community needs assessment survey instrument. - 582 downloads
Benevolence Policy & Request Form Template
Use this to get your benevolence policy and procedures in place. - 500 downloads
Sample Outreach Strategy
A sample of what a completed Outreach Strategy Template looks like. - 469 downloads
Church Social Media Strategy Template
This worksheet will help you craft a simple yet comprehensive approach to using social media for your church - 456 downloads
Church Event Planning Mindmap Graphic
a mindmap graphic useful in planning outreach events - 375 downloads
Average Family in Merced
Written description of what an average family looks like in target city. - 341 downloads
Sample Christmas Eve Invitation Letter
Sample letter inviting the community to Rolling Field Baptist Church's Christmas Eve gathering - 254 downloads
Soft Demographic Survey Sample
Learn how to study demographics with this sample. - 236 downloads
Sample Church Plant Marketing Plan
A sample of what a completed Marketing Plan looks like. - 220 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Networking en la Comunidad
en Español - 204 downloads
Alcance y Plan de Mercadotecnia
en Español - 199 downloads
Soft Demographic Survey Sample (B)
Learn how to study demographics with this sample. - 187 downloads
Plantilla Estrategia de Alcance
en Español - 160 downloads
Christmas Eve Reminder
Sample of an insert to remind everyone about the importance of Christmas Eve services.
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design. - 3128 downloads
Preparing to Plant Checklist
Use Steve Childers' church planting checklist to work through tough questions you need to ask yourself. - 2613 downloads
Church Planting Manual
Comprehensive 61-page guidebook by Pastor John Iuliano - 2552 downloads
Launch Vision Contents Template
This template will walk you through writing the raw materials that will be used to design your Launch Vision booklet. - 2363 downloads
Church Plant Budget Worksheet Template
A worksheet to get you started on your budget. Advanced functionality. - 1982 downloads
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1915 downloads
New Church Strategic Planning Process [NAMB]
NAMB's guide to strategic planning in the new church - includes worksheets and samples. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages). - 1249 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Restore Community Church]
Check out this real-life launch vision book from a church plant in Silver Spring, MD. - 1223 downloads
Sample Church Plant Budget
A church plant budget worksheet template filled out with real numbers so you can see the math. - 1171 downloads
Philosophy of Ministry Template
Fill-in-the-blank document you can use to outline your church's DNA. A must-have resource! - 1079 downloads
Sample Launch Vision [Common Ground]
Launch vision booklet for Common Ground church plant near Seattle. - 1004 downloads
Church Multiplication Strategy Template
A tool to think through how you’ll work church multiplication into the very fiber of your church’s DNA, and how you’ll make it stick - 998 downloads
Church Models
There are 7 basic ways to plant a church. - 902 downloads
10 Ways Not to Start a Church
Lessons from the life of Gideon on God’s ability to make up for our shortcomings - 856 downloads
Opening Day Expectations Template
Define what opening day looks like -- explicitly. Use this template (with form fields) to set achievable goals. - 784 downloads
Sample Opening Day Expectations
Our sample of what a completed Opening Day Expectations Template looks like. - 716 downloads
Core Group Studies
Thoughts on creating the nucleus of leaders necessary to make possible the launching of a new church. - 688 downloads
The Alignment Model
God builds the church according to His purposes and vision. Our role is to cooperate with what He is already up to. - 616 downloads
Sample Launch Strategy [Christ City Church]
A real launch strategy document from the Christ City Church plant in Memphis, TN. - 615 downloads
Church Plant Model Effectiveness Comparison
PhD Dissertation: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Selected Church PLanting Models Measured by Conversion Growth and New Church Starts, by Joel Owens Rainey - 605 downloads
Church Life Cycles [Exponential 2016 Presentation]
Healthy Growing Churches walks you from birth through death of a church and what it takes to lead at each stage. - 589 downloads
Life Cycle of a Church Graphic
Image that depicts the birth to death life cycle of a congregation. - 573 downloads
How to Develop a Philosophy of Ministry
This paper walks you through the process of determining what is collectively referred to as the “philosophy of ministry.” - 553 downloads
Sample Core Values [New Life]
Check out some real-life core values from New Life Christian Church (Chantilly, VA). - 545 downloads
10 Commandments of 19th Century Church Planting
What worked in the past and why you should care, by David W. Hall. - 494 downloads
Launch Strong eBook
Launch Strong will help you plan for church planting step-by-step with God. - 478 downloads
Core Values, Dave Page, Expo West
Shape the identity of your church plant, define your ideal reputation. - 460 downloads
Vision, Dave Page, Expo West
Overcome barriers and define your vision clearly; learn from many who have paved the way. - 413 downloads
Church Planting Strategy
Presentation that guides you through various strategies. - 413 downloads
Missional Context, Dave Page, Expo West
Where do you want to plant and how will that impact your ministry design? - 399 downloads
Plantilla Contenido de la Vision de Lanzamiento
en Español - 312 downloads
New Church Planning
Todd Wilson's presentation from 2006, yet still accurate today. - 310 downloads
Moving from 'Should' to 'How'
Tom Planck's presentation at Exponential East 2016. HGC - 291 downloads
Vision, Mission and Core Values [Exponential 2017 Presentation]
Our own Sean Cronin provides an overview with practical tips on crafting these parts of your Philosophy of Ministry. - 284 downloads
Notes for Finding your A-Game as a Leader
Notes from Greg Wiens & Tom Planck’s presentation at Expo East 2016. HGC - 270 downloads
Developing the Philosophy of a Church
Passion for Planting's guide to developing your philosophy. - 254 downloads
Church Strategy
Simple overview document on church strategy and priorities. - 252 downloads
Church Planting Wisdom
by various church planters from across the country -- Derek Brown - 244 downloads
Church Planting Movements
Excerpts from the book by David Garrison - 237 downloads
Church Planter's Management System
Biblical rationale for Church Planting, NAMB - 226 downloads
How to Develop Member Expectations
Another important aspect of defining the purpose of your church: Expectation Management. - 222 downloads
Belong, then Believe
First they Belong, then they Believe. Relationships are most important. - 219 downloads
Church Planting Classes in Theological Education
From a professor of church planting. - 217 downloads
Survey of Available Church Planting Resources
Pat Furgerson's presentation that covers a host of available resources. - 207 downloads
Team Philosophy
What is our team/structure approach? One of several steps in defining your purpose. - 206 downloads
Plantilla Hoja de Trabajo Presupuesto Nueva Iglesia
en Español - 200 downloads
How to Develop a Beliefs Statement
Instructions for crafting your church's beliefs statement. - 196 downloads
Sample Church Multiplication Strategy
A sample of what a completed Church Multiplication Strategy might look like - 184 downloads
Culturally Relevant Ministry in a Postmodern World
Ed Stetzer presents a short 3-page narrative on the challenges of planting a church in our morally relativistic society. - 173 downloads
Developing a Contextualized Church Planting Strategy Course
An Introduction to Church Planting, by Gary Bulley, NAMB (44 pages). - 160 downloads
Church Planting. An examination of the theological rationale and methods...
Dissertation complete for M.A. in Theological Research, by John Richard Claydon - 160 downloads
Collaboration Networking
The world is desperate for community. This 21-page document explores many issues with the goal of encouraging explosive expansion of new churches. - 153 downloads
Your God is Too Small
J. B. Phillips eText of the title. 97 pages. - 153 downloads
Plantilla Expectativas del Dia de Inaguración
en Español - 143 downloads
Kingdom Mentality
God is he is moving in some new "old" ways, by Joe Boyd and Paul Kaak. - 142 downloads
Plantilla Filosofía del Ministerio
en Español - 138 downloads
Church Planting Observations on the State of NAMB
Ed Stetzer's report on NAMB's strategies for church planting. - 134 downloads
Collaborative Planting
The Idea: A Network with each organization maintaining its autonomy - 127 downloads
Church Planting Programs of Similar-Sized Denomination in the US
PhD Dissertation by Dennis Duane Powell, Asbury Theological Seminary - 127 downloads
Abandoning an Incomplete Gospel
Jesus' message is, simply, "Turn around and step into a life with God, the kinds of life I lives and invite you to live with me." - 114 downloads
Continuous Revival
The working secret which has been bringing continuous revival to thousands in East Central Africa for over 16 years. - 104 downloads the Ends of the Earth!
Thoughts from the Acts of the Apostles, Bob Wiley - 100 downloads
Hispanic Ministries
This paper provides some interesting insight into the growing Hispanic population in America. - 98 downloads
Canberra Home Churches
History and current practice of home churches in Australia. - 97 downloads
The Church as Subversive Community
Mike Bishop writes about potentially negatives views of the Christian church. - 92 downloads
History of the Calvary Chapel Movement
A paper presented to Dr Ed Stetzer, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - 16 downloads
Launch Strong(er) eBook
Launch Stronger will help you plan for church planting with a disciple-making focus step-by-step with God.
NAMB's Launch Strategy Workbook
Lewis McMullen, Church Planter Missionary, provides an easy-to-use workbook to guide your actions. - 1800 downloads
Stuff No One Told Me
Steve Nerger's guide to church planting based on hard-won lessons (76 pages).
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 3494 downloads
Systems Thinking [NAMB]
A resource for developing or reviewing your church's system design.