Category: Free Resources

Twelve Resources for This Cultural Moment
By: Discipleship-first Friends, The United States is the midst of big change. First, it was COVID-19 and all the changes around which everyone had to adopt. Then, it was economic shock. And now it has moved to public protests, demonstrations, and civil unrest. Now, it has moved even further […]

To Build, Buy, Lease or Rent…that IS the question
.et_post_meta_wrapper by Tim Cool: To be or not to be…is no longer the question. For many churches, the burning question is what to do with facilities and do we even need to own a facility. This used to be a question that only church planters were asking. When you are first […]

Free Demographic Report
NOTE: Demographic data provided for United States locations only. We’re thrilled to be able to help support your church planting journey! Complete the form below for your free demographic report. Our detailed reports include several different data types including: Demographic Summary Chart (Population, Income, Age, Race, Education, Martial Status) Recent Census Data […]

Maximize these 3 Amazon Nonprofit Programs for Your Church
by Patrick Bradley: Amazon is generous to nonprofits. Here are some ideas to maximize 3 of their Amazon nonprofit programs for your church. Two of the three programs may require you to have your 501c3 Determination Letter back from the IRS. So if you haven’t already filed, here’s yet another […]

Do These 8 Steps When Your Church Launches a New Series
by Rich Birch: Church growth is more of a flywheel than a cannon shot. It requires consistent energy applied in the same direction over time to see results. It doesn’t happen overnight but as you gain traction the small wins start to add up and something truly amazing happens. A […]

20+ Downloadable Graphics Your Church Can Use to Promote Baptisms
by Rich Birch: Baptism is a vitally important part of discipleship process for the people at your church. It’s also an amazing time in the life of your church. Make sure that you are leveraging this opportunity in the life of your church to communicate about all the life change […]

Free Resources Added – April 2016
Since launching the new website three weeks ago, we’ve seen our 400+ free resources downloaded by dozens of people, a total of over 2,000 downloads. It’s amazing to see the wide range of topics that are downloaded. This is just a quick post to let you know how to find the […]

Free Resources
We have tons of free resources to support your efforts in spreading the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom. Free Church Planting Templates, Worksheets & Samples At Passion for Planting we love to provide FREE church planting tools & resources to help you plant a healthier church. The templates will challenge you to […]