Category: Bivocational

What Is Bivocational Ministry?
Home > Blog > What Is Bivocational Ministry? What Is Bivocational Ministry? By Hugh Halter My wife and I have served in bivocational ministry for over 25 years. With our first church plant, we served in the inner city, so we often faced the pressure of “Do we take more […]

Fresh Expressions of the Church
by Healthy Growing Churches: On July 11th, 2017 the Barna Group published an article on their website that began with this paragraph: “It may come as no surprise that the influence of Christianity in the United States is waning. Rates of church attendance, religious affiliation, belief in God, prayer and […]

Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email by Peyton Jones: Paul was bi-vocational. It was partly so that he could eat. It was partly so that he could support his team (Acts 20:4). I believe, however, that Paul could have asked almost anything he wanted from his churches support-wise, but instead […]

Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email by Peyton Jones: Google is your friend. Did you know that you can profile census information? You can profile single mothers, foreign language speakers, Poverty level. Mission Insights is a valuable resource that many big denominations use. This practice is known as “mapping”. Mapping […]

The Scandal of Church Planting
by Peyton Jones: Stop and think about the implications of this. Everyday believers who had their gifts awoken, and were living in microchurches found it no challenge at all to organically plant a church when all you changed was their address. When you moved them geographically, they became little seeds […]

Balancing Family, Work and Ministry
by Peyton Jones: I hope you enjoyed this series on the real life factors of becoming a bi-vocational minister. If you missed any of the posts you can find links back to them here.BALANCING THREE FACTORS Types of Employment PERSONAL FINANCES In summary, Ninjas have catlike reflexes. They can move […]