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Category: Communications


Leveraging Research to Drive Design & Communication Insights at Crossroads Church with Vivienne Bechtold

By unSeminary: Thanks for tuning in to this week’s unSeminary podcast. We’re excited to be talking with Vivienne Bechtold, the Director of Studio and Leadership Development at Crossroads Church in Ohio. Crossroads has been one of the fastest growing churches in the country for several years, but this growth hasn’t […]


CNLP 372: Pat Gelsinger and Scott Beck on the Future Church, How to Connect with the People Watching Your Church Online and Why So Many Church Leaders Resist Tech

by Carey Nieuwhof: Silicon Valley titan Pat Gelsinger, the CEO of VMWare and former CTO of Intel, and Scott Beck, who scaled Blockbuster Video, Boston Market, Einstein Brothers Bagels and Ancestry.com, and is the Founder of Gloo, talk about how the future church can use technology to reach people and […]

PODCAST 095: Launching & Elevating Church Communication Teams

COVID is teaching us, the church, many lessons. Obviously, there are many lessons about the value of Church Online or Discipleship Online. But why stop there? Church Communications Directors have been working overtime in this COVID season, managing the chaos that has been 2020. While we don’t talk about Communications […]

Is Social Media a One-Way Street?

By: The Church.Digital The short answer is no – the very definition of social media confirms that the purpose of social media is for “users (to) create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content”. (Merrian Webster) So how do you begin to shift the communication to […]

Gardening and the Phygital Church

By: The Church.Digital I’ve been gardening for 9 years, and every year our garden grows bigger. This pandemic year meant we spent even more time in our garden, and my wife harvested a child’s wagon full of vegetables just this evening. My wife and I host a podcast where we […]

Two principals I learned in Jerusalem that will help you connect new people at your church

by Greg Curtis: Here is a photo of Michelle and I once we made it down the long road to the Church of All Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane. We are standing in front of what is the oldest Olive Tree in the garden, around a thousand years old. […]

5 Tips for Incorporating Live Video in Your Social Media Plan

by Jeff Reed: Video, Video, Video! You’ve heard it – Video is the king of content on social media. So how do you start to incorporate video into your social media plan? Here are five tips! Start Small – Add one video per month to your plan, then, try a […]

Storybrand for Small Church Pastors

by Jeff Reed: You are a small church pastor, minister, staff member, or volunteer. You want to make a difference. You want your communication to move people. You want your invites to result in guests. You likely ask questions such as, “How do I use what I have to make […]

5 Social Media Posts That Your Church Should Be Sharing

by Jeff Reed: Creating meaningful social media posts for your church can feel like such a daunting task, but being intentional and taking the time to plan your content will create a much more meaningful experience for your audience! What is God Up To – “Publish his glorious deeds among […]