Category: Books

PODCAST 129: Church Plantology – A Convo with Peyton Jones
<span id=”hs_cos_wrapper_post_body” class=”hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text” data-hs-cos-general-type=”meta_field” data-hs-cos-type=”rich_text”><span id=”hs_cos_wrapper_post_body” class=”hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text” data-hs-cos-general-type=”meta_field” data-hs-cos-type=”rich_text”></span></span> By TheChurch.Digital: The Church Planting Textbook for the Modern Era has been released. Peyton Jones’ Church Plantology is out, and with it comes years of insight and experience wrapped up as a readable resource. But what does […]

Future Church
Will Mancini handed in the manuscript for his most recent book Future Church to his publisher on March 8th 2020. Several days later Covid-19 was declared a worldwide pandemic and pastors were forced to adapt their ministry efforts just to continue functioning as a church. Constrained by social-distancing guidelines, public […]

20 Books I Read in 2019
20 Books I Read in 2019 .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: I read a lot of books in 2019. More than usual, in fact. Some were just okay. Some were fantastic. And a couple were downright mind-altering and life-changing. Before you browse my list, here are a few things you should […]

10 Top Disciple Making Trends for 2019 (Part 1)
by Bobby Harrington: We champion discipleship-first people – those who see life through the lens of being disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. These people form our tribe. exists to help the members of this tribe to be faithful and effective disciple makers. is like the “chamber […]

5 Lessons Church Leaders Can Learn From The “All-Day Breakfast” Trend
by Rich Birch: In October 2015, McDonald’s made a significant change to its menu that made a huge difference to its bottom line and market reach. That month they added all-day breakfast to their offerings, and in many ways it ended up changing the course of history for this corporation. […]

From Volunteer to Church Planter
By New Churches Team: It Starts With a Vision. Do you feel like God has recently given you a vision for something that seems big and unattainable? Maybe it’s scary to think about all the work it would take to launch that idea. You just aren’t sure where to start, and so […]

Are You More a “Hero” or “Hero Maker,” According to Your Calendar?
by Warren Bird: Who mentored you or believed in you before you believed in yourself? That person is your Hero Maker! If you pick a recent day from your calendar, and review the ways you spent your time that day, how much were you the hero and how much did you make heroes […]

Leaving a Legacy of Level 5 Leadership: Introduction
by Todd Wilson: Pause for a minute and think about the specific ways you personally get to know Jesus. I don’t just mean knowing more about Him. I’m talking about really, intimately knowing the person of Jesus Christ! Not the teacher and wise man Jesus, but the Savior and Lord you […]

by Peyton Jones: When Jesus ascended with His work unfinished, He knew that no one person was going to be able to follow in His wake. The five kitbags each represent a specific skillset necessary for a church leadership team, like a sapper, sniper, commando, Navy SEAL, and heavy weapons […]