Category: Planter Health
Pete Briscoe’s Lessons from Coming Alongside Senior Leaders to Help with Communication & Self Care
By unSeminary: Welcome to this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with Pete Briscoe, who served as the senior pastor for nearly three decades at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas, and now consults with and coaches pastors. He is with us today to talk about growing communication skills […]
A Diagnostic Tool for Disciple Makers
By Justin Gravitt: Let’s take a moment to appreciate doctors. They really are amazing people. Whenever anything goes wrong with your body, they embark on a quest to diagnose, then treat the problem. They start by intently listening to your experience. They ask questions. They use instruments to poke, and […]
CNLP 411: Ian Morgan Cron Explains How Your Enneagram Type Responds to Chronic Stress and the Difference Between Fake Authenticity and True Vulnerability
By Carey Nieuwhof: After a year of leading through constant crisis, how are leaders supposed to cope? Ian Morgan Cron and Carey catch up on how each Enneagram type reacts under stress and the difference between fake or strategic authenticity and true vulnerability. Welcome to Episode 411 of the podcast. Listen […]
Are You Too Busy for a Family Devotion?
Stewarding Our Time By Wil Moore: I was recently having coffee with a dad who has 3 incredible kids. One is in college pursuing a communications degree, one is about to graduate, and the other is a junior. Two of the three are incredibly gifted athletes. One will soon play […]
Episode 583: Reconsidering Pitfalls, Landmines, and Blind Spots in Church Planting
By In Episode 583 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed reconsider the question posed in the very first podcast about pitfalls, landmines, and blind spots in church planting. “As a young church planter, what are some blind spots that I need to be aware of?” In This […]
Dunning-Kruger Effect: What is it? How is it Impacting Your Church Leadership?
By unSeminary: In 1999, Psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger presented a landmark study that identified an important cognitive bias, which has subsequently been named the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Simply put, what they proved is that this effect causes people to overestimate their knowledge or ability, particularly in areas where they […]
Working at Health while Facilitating for Growth with Renaut van der Riet
By Welcome to this week’s episode of the unSeminary podcast. We’re talking with Renaut van der Riet from Mosaic Church in the Orlando, Florida area. Passionate about making the gospel beautiful however they can, Mosaic is continually pursuing how they can serve each other and how they can serve […]
Some Helpful Insights On How To Win The War In Your Mind (With Craig Groeschel)
Today’s post is an excerpt from Craig Groeschel’s new book Winning The War In Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, I’d highly recommend that you do. There is a specific lie I have believed as long as I can remember. […]
3 Keys to Growing Your Faith
By Justin Gravitt: Waking Him was their only option. At least, the only one they could see. The boat heaved violently as did their emotions. They were wet, weary, and worried as waves broke over the bow. The furious storm threatened their lives. Their worry reflected in the eyes of […]
Spiritual Formation for One
Home > Blog > Spiritual Formation for One Spiritual Formation for One By Ed Stetzer When I think about my own spiritual formation, one of the things that’s been helpful for me to remember is that people of different personalities approach spiritual growth differently. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach. […]