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Category: Children


Diffusing an Angry Volunteer

Home > Blog > Diffusing an Angry Volunteer June 16, 2021 Diffusing an Angry Volunteer By New Churches Team Maybe it’s happened to you. You are running through a regular weekend service, minding your own business, and things get tense. Cut it with a knife tense. Something doesn’t go as […]


How to Accommodate – and Engage – Kids in a Multisite or Portable Church Venue

.et_post_meta_wrapper By Portable Church Industries: Creating an irresistible, welcoming environment for young families and their children is extremely important. Launching a new church or campus in a rented facility offers many benefits that permanent locations don’t: lower cost, speed, flexibility, community partnership, and volunteer engagement. That said, creating an excellent […]


The False Debate Between Online and In-Person Church (How To Plan for An Uncertain Future)

By Carey Nieuwhof: So it’s been a year now since pretty much every church got online courtesy of the pandemic. As the world moves slowly but surely into the post-pandemic era, there are a lot of questions about what will happen to future in-person church. The return to church has […]


Millennials, Gen Z and Your Church with Benjamin Windle

By unSeminary: Thanks so much for joining us for another unSeminary podcast. Today we’re talking with Benjamin Windle. A native Australian, Benjamin has worked as a youth and young adult pastor in the US and currently helps churches develop Generational Intelligence in reaching Millennials and Gen Z through an assortment […]


Lessons In Getting People Back to In-Person Services with Kyle Mercer

By unSeminary: Welcome to the unSeminary podcast! Today we have lead pastor Kyle Mercer with us from Two Cities Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Two Cities was originally planted out of The Summit Church with J.D. Greear in 2016 and grew to about 1300 people before covid, becoming one of […]


3 Ideas For Increasing Your Influence With Gen Z

This post on influencing Gen Z is written by Shane Sanchez. Shane is The InsideOut Director for Gwinnett Church (a campus of North Point Ministries.) I recently interviewed Shane on ChurchPulse Weekly. You can listen to the interview here.  By Shane Sanchez Does the idea of influencing the next generation […]


Kids Ministry in the Reopening Phase: Roundtable with Christine Kreisher, Suzi Soares, Heather Celaya & Aanna Smalley

By: unSeminary Kids ministry has always cultivated some of the most innovative church leaders. And kids ministry is a growth engine behind the fastest growing churches today. To reopen your church without a kids ministry, I would contest, is not actually reopening the church. Listen in today as I’ve gathered […]


7 Reasons Your Church Should Partner with A Christian Camp

by unSeminary: This summer millions of children and youth across the country will attend a Christian camp. While this subculture has its own robust ecosystem of conferences, books, and thought leaders, there seems to be a strange disconnect between local churches and Christian camping ministries. From my perspective, local churches […]


5 Lessons from Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for Your Church

by unSeminary: This summer, both Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida are launching massive new “lands” based on the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is the largest investment the Disney corporation has made in its North American parks in long time. Not […]


Learn about Disciple-Making “Cornerstones” by Meeting Lionshare

by Bobby Harrington: We hope you’ve enjoyed meeting some of our disciple-making partners. We want to help you find the best disciple-making guides, and that’s why we’re continuing to introduce these partners to you. Meet Dave Buehring, leader of Lionshare. Here’s what Dave said about his ministry in our interview […]