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How to Work Full-Time and Plant a Church


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November 11, 2020

How to Work Full-Time and Plant a Church

By New Churches Team

The History

Andy Williamson grew up in a pastor’s home. He always thought he would become a pastor much earlier in life, but his dad encouraged him to go to school and learn a trade first. His dad thought that if he would ever be able to minister well somewhere down the road, learning a trade first would help him understand what people went through on a daily basis. So Williamson took a path that led him through design, media, magazines, advertising, and into marketing. His marketing company moved him to Charlotte and when it did, he decided to put the idea of pastoring behind him. He was able to just attend church as a member for the first time in his life. But three years ago, Williamson decided to launch The Factory Church.

The Details

Williamson decided that he would continue to work full time and would do the church work in the mornings and evenings. He didn’t take a paycheck from the church and paid for expenses out of his own pocket. He explains that he never thought the church would be sustainable due to his work situation, but he asked his congregation to have faith that it would work. And it did. Most people take a year to build an audience and ask other churches and individuals to help finance the church plant, but The Factory Church started with Williamson’s offering as its budget and no long term vision for the future. Now, three years in, Williamson still doesn’t take a paycheck from the church, but he has hired some paid staff members to help with various ministries.

The Audience

Williamson explains that social media is so important because with everyone home due to the pandemic they are always on social media. He encourages that if we are supposed to be fishers of men, we need to do that as creatively as possible.

To read the rest of this article, and to watch the entire video training, click here for the full video and post.

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Source: How to Work Full-Time and Plant a Church