Aligning Your Brand for Performance
Search through this virtual library of samples, templates, worksheets and more to help your church plant get off to a great start!
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- Brochure (15)
- 447 downloadsCreating and Managing Brand value from Interbrand.
Bootstrap Branding
If you can't make a 6-figure commitment to branding, here's how to harness the power of a memorable brand. Courtesy of Richard Layton of Transform Communications. - 960 downloads
Branding for Church Planters
"...this manual is just a basic, introductory book on branding and media topics." by James Dalman - 367 downloads
Brochure Sample - Brazos Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions.
Brochure Sample - Buckhead
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 324 downloads
Brochure Sample - Buckhead Yes Card
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 382 downloads
Brochure Sample - Christian Church Buckhead
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 291 downloads
Brochure Sample - Church of the Holy Spirit Alpha Course
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 272 downloads
Brochure Sample - Corona Valley Project
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 292 downloads
Brochure Sample - Heartland Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 338 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 337 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church (1)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 231 downloads
Brochure Sample - Journey Christian Church (2)
Design and print services are available from Church Marketing Solutions. - 650 downloads
Church Marketing 101 Book Review
A book review of Richard Reising's Church Marketing 101, a must-read for every church planter. - 665 downloads
Church Name Brainstorm
Stuck on finding the right name for your church? Get some ideas here! - 1481 downloads
Church Plant Marketing Ideas
This should stimulate your marketing brain cells and get your creative juices flowing! - 3995 downloads
Church Planting 101 [Exponential 2021 Presentation]
A comprehensive, high-level overview of planting a church in the US. - 471 downloads
Church Tagline Brainstorming
Crafting a tagline is an important part of the branding process. Use this guide to get your creative juices flowing! - 1064 downloads
Commitment Card
Example from New Day Christian Church - 617 downloads
Commitment Card - 4-up
Sample commitment card, four on a single page.