How Are You Doing?
Do you know what the first crisis in the Bible was? If your first thought was Adam and Eve eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, think again. Genesis 2:15 accounts the first crisis in the Bible saying this, “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” (NIV). Before the Fall the only thing in creation that was described as “not good” was man’s isolation, his lack of companionship.
Unfortunately, leading a church can be a very lonely endeavor, and the pressures brought on by a world-wide pandemic certainly hasn’t helped pastors feel more connected. (When was the last time you got to go to a leader’s conference or retreat that enriched your spirit?) This is not good. As church leaders we preach to our people about the need to stay connected to one another, but what are you doing to combat loneliness and discouragement in your life?
Church planters and pastors, we’re better together. We sharpen one another when we spend time collaborating, encouraging, and praying for each other. It’s not good to be alone in ministry. That’s why we’ve filled this month’s newsletter with resources to help you connect with other church leaders and grow through the process. Enjoy!
-Patrick Bradley, Director of Operations
February 2021 – Contents
- 4Gen – Helping You Grow and Multiply
- Perissos – Helping You Heal and Recharge
- Mac Lake – Helping You Develop Leaders
- Assessment – Helping You Discern Your Calling
- Boot Camp – Helping You Answer Your Call
4Gen: Helping You Grow and Multiply

4Gen is a new ministry started by our friend Stan Rodda to help church leaders grow as disciple makers and refresh their souls. 4Gen does this in two main ways. First, they offer a free 8-week training cohort which equips church leaders to create a disciple making movement in their church or community. Second, they offer retreats for pastors to care for the spiritual, mental and emotional health of church leaders and their spouses.
4Gen wants to make sure you don’t feel alone in ministry. Whether you need some encouragement to help you grow as a disciple maker or are looking for an opportunity to rest and recharge, 4Gen is here for you.
Perissos: Helping You Heal and Recharge

Did you know that the average span of ministry is only 3 years? It’s true. Most pastors enter ministry filled with vision and passion for what God’s going to do in them and through them. Unfortunately, ministry has a way of deflating the spirit of pastors and robbing them of their passion. If you’ve ever felt like quitting in ministry, you’re not alone. One of the main reason church leaders throw in the towel on their ministry is because they aren’t healthy emotionally and spiritually. They feel like a dried-up sponge. They’ve poured themselves out caring for their flock and been rung dry by difficult decisions and people.
If you’re in ministry and feel worn out, you’re not alone and Perissos exists to care for you as a leader. Our friend and clinical psychologist Dr. Matthew Lagrange has started this unique ministry to care for church leaders like you. This ministry will enrich your spirit and give you a safe place to heal, grow, and rediscover your zeal for ministry.
Mac Lake: Helping You Develop Leaders

Proverbs 11:25 tells us, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed,” (NIV). Do you have someone in your life that no matter when you see them, they always find a way to lift your spirit? I’m sure we all have people in our lives who drain us, so it’s important we find people who build us up, not through flattery, but through true spiritual encouragement.
Our friend Mac Lake is a guy who refreshes others. It only takes a few seconds being around Mac to experience his energizing presence. It’s no coincidence that in his wake are many confident, competent, Christlike leaders. Today he wants to encourage and equip you to refresh others in your life and help them grow as leaders. One way he wants to do that is through his YouTube channel and free coaching huddle downloads. These two resources will not only lift your spirits, but they’ll aid you to do the same for others.
Assessment: Helping You Discern Your Calling

This last year has given all pastors a taste of the uncertainty of church planting. Figuring out how to make disciples and gather them for corporate worship without the use of a building or a big budget is an everyday challenge for church planters, not just a reality brought about by a pandemic. That’s why a key characteristic we look for in church planters is flexibility and adaptability because when starting a new church the only thing that’s certain is uncertainty.
If you’re sensing a call from God to plant a church make sure to wrestle with that call before diving in. You’ll want to make sure you’re certain this is what God’s calling you to do and that you’re ready to face the unique challenges of church planting ministry.
One resource we offer church planters to help them assess their readiness to plant is our Church Planter Assessment. If you sense God’s leading you to plant a church, our assessment process will help you gain a clearer understanding of your calling, gifts, passions, and weak spots. It will also offer you clear next steps to take in order to pursue your ministry calling.
Our next assessment is scheduled for April 19th-21st. If you’re sensing God’s call to plant a church, we’d love to talk with you about what next steps you should be taking to pursue the vision God’s stirring in you. Contact us now.
Boot Camp: Helping You Answer Your Call

If God’s called you to plant a church, don’t venture off on this journey alone. Learn from experienced church planters who have gone before you at our next Church Planter Boot Camp. Our training will equip you with tools, ideas, and resources to start a multiplying church and some common church planting mistakes.
Our next boot camp is happening May 17th-21st outside of Washington, D.C. Space is limited, and rates will increase at the end of February, so sign up today! To learn more about how attending a boot camp like ours can help you accomplish your mission to make disciples and start new churches, read Ed Stetzer’s The Value of Church Planter Assessment and Boot Camps.
Photos by Markus Winkler and Jack Sharp from