There’s always a lot going on here at Passion for Planting. We continue to refine tools and resources to help you as you seek to plant healthy churches. Here’s the lineup for this month, a few short videos and some recommendations.
Let us know if you have any questions, comments or ideas!
–Dale Spaulding, Director
March 2016 – Contents
- Passion for Planting’s Residency Program
- PlanterPlan Tip: How to Add Team Members and Assign them tasks
- New Website is Coming!
- Joel Pazmino’s Book Recommendation
- News Flash! Exponential to Add Regional Conferences

Director, Passion for Planting
Residency Program
The goal of our 10-month program is to train and equip a small group of those who are called to plant a church by walking them through the process. Through the course of the residency our cohort will write vision and mission statements, develop their launch plan, preach and teach; basically everything needed to get started before stepping out. We take advantage of technology since most of our cohort (4 out of 5) are hosted by other churches. This distance learning format allows us to learn from each other during our weekly video conferences. We’re building our class of 2017 now, so please pray that God brings the right people to join our Fall cohort! Take a few minutes to checkout our video below.

The thought of Church Planting is overwhelming. The thought that you are going to be responsible for planting God’s church can stun and even numb you to the point of not going through with it. The Passion for Planting Residency has taken away that numbness. This program has given me the tools I need to carry out this church plant. With careful planning and a detailed syllabus P4P has made the preparation for church planting palatable and manageable. I don’t think I would feel as prepared as I am to plant if it were not for the residency program at P4P.

PlanterPlan Tip: Adding Team Members
Here’s a short video tutorial on how to add team members to your PlanterPlan project. It’s really important to get some help on all the tasks required to plant a church, so we’ll show you how to add members to your team, assign them tasks and see how they’re doing at a glance.
New Website is coming!
We’ve redesigned our website and are putting the final touches together to help you get access to pages and resources that are most often downloaded or visited. That should be up and running next week, so check it out and let us know what you think. We really appreciate your feedback!
Joel Pazmino’s Book Recommendation
Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City by Timothy Keller

This is the ultimate book on urban church planting. Tim Keller explains Redeemer’s approach to church planting from both a practical and theological perspective. This book helped me understand how to be both faithful to the Gospel and missionally minded when it comes to urban ministry, and more importantly, how the Gospel is relevant to the particular needs of the city. If you are planting a church in a city this is the one book you need to read. Link on Amazon
Here are some more recommendations from our friends at
The Gospel Coalition: Must Read Books
News Flash! Exponential just announced Regional events!
The Regional events are intended to expand the impact of the main theme content from the national Exponential conferences in Orlando and LA. The Regionals will be reduced in scope when compared to the full programming at our national events but we will seek to bring the full impact of the main stage programming. They will also feature 4 sessions with facilitated breakout conversations between the 5 main stage sessions.