Preparing For What’s Ahead
There’s a saying in the military that goes, “the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.” That’s true for soldiers as well as for church planters. Starting a church places leaders on the spiritual frontlines. If you’ve planted a church before, you understand the pressures and spiritual attacks common to this pioneering ministry.
It would be foolish to send church planters out into the battle without any training, and yet we’re afraid that’s what some churches end up doing. That’s why we’ve developed our distance church planter residency program. We’ve designed it to bolster the training efforts churches and networks offer leaders as they prepare to start new churches.
If God is calling you to plant a church, do your due diligence and prepare for the battle that awaits you. If God is calling you to send leaders out to plant new churches, don’t send them out before you’ve helped them gain a clear vision for the church God’s calling them to plant. And make sure they get the knowledge and tools they’ll need to turn that vision into reality.
Research by Ed Stetzer validates the importance of church planting training. The fact of the matter is, training increases your likelihood of starting a healthy new church. We’ve seen this with the church planters we’ve trained and supported throughout the years. Training makes a difference.
Knowing the importance of training, Passion for Planting has revamped its educational offerings to offer both a 9-month distance residency program and a week-long boot camp event to equip church planters with the knowledge and tools needed to accomplish their mission. To learn how you (or a leader you’re investing in) can prepare to answer your church planting call, visit our PlanterPrep page. For more church planting training resources, keep reading. Enjoy!
-Patrick Bradley, Director of Operations
August 2021 – Contents
- Exponential Regional Conferences
- Training Your Team
- Church Planter Distance Residency
- Launch Team Development Strategy Template
Exponential Regional Conferences

The Exponential Conference is hitting the road this fall. They are making stops in Washington, DC, San Jose, Southern California, Houston, and Chicago. We’re honored to be hosting the Washington, DC regional and would love for you to join us there. If you’re able to make it, please stop by our booth and receive a free copy of our new book Launch Strong(er).
We know the past 18 months has left many church leaders feeling isolated and discouraged. That’s why we’re excited about the refreshment and opportunities for collaboration these regional gatherings will offer church leaders this fall. Bring your team with you to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped together as we dream what God wants to do in and through us.
Training Your Team

Every church planter is called to make disciples. That’s why part of the training we offer church planters focuses on equipping church planters to train their launch team how to share their faith with friends, neighbors, and co-workers. When was the last time you trained someone how to share their faith? If it has been it may be because you’re not sure how to do it.
One effective way to do this is to train your people to share about how God is working in their life. Whether you’re a church planter or a leader of an established church, be faithful with the people God has placed under your leadership and train them to be missionaries where they live, work, and play by sharing their testimony. Learn how to craft your grace story and help others do the same checking out these resources: Your Story Is God’s Story and 15-Second Testimony.
Distance Church Planter Residency

Do you know someone who has a vision for starting a new church? We connect with church planters on a regular basis that have a vision for a new church, but lack the knowledge, experience, and training necessary to making their vision a reality. That’s why we developed a Church Planter Distance Residency program.
Our program equips church planters to start healthy, multiplying churches wherever they are located. No need to uproot and move to a new city to participate in our training. Our program doesn’t just fill leaders up with vision but offers them practical training on how to make disciples and turn them into a spiritual family on mission for Christ. To learn more about how our program can equip you or another leader you know to plant a healthy multiplying church visit our residency webpage. We’re now accepting application for our 2021-2022 cohort which starts in September. Start your application today!
Small Groups Strategy Template

Do you have a vision for how people within your church will build meaningful relationships with other believers? The solution most churches offer to meet this need is some flavor of small groups. Small groups are great, but don’t assume that all small groups are the same. There are many ways for small groups to function and reproduce. Don’t copy and replicate the small group strategy of another church without first seeking God’s vision for how small groups will work at yours. We’ve designed our Groups Strategy Template to help you discern the vision God’s giving you for small groups at your church.
Download your free copy today and start dreaming about how your church will help more people grow spiritually, develop relationally, and produce more disciples of Jesus.