14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: workplace


National Church Leader Survey on Attitudes Towards In-Person, Remote, or Hybrid Work Arrangements

By unSeminary: Is your team moving back to an “in-person” office experience? Do you know how your team members feel about working at home once life looks a little more normal? What does the future of church leadership work arrangements look like? We must understand the impact that COVID-19 has […]


5 Things Younger Leaders Can’t Stand About Older Leaders

by Carey Nieuwhof: As you may have noticed, there’s a bit of tension in the workplace and in the culture these days. Younger leaders are complaining (a lot) about older leaders (who are often their bosses). Older leaders are complaining (a lot) about younger leaders. The ‘Okay, Boomer’ moment happening […]


How to Crush 7 Little Things That Are Ruining Your Productivity

Carey Nieuwhof: Ever notice your day seems to vaporize and you wonder what happened to all your best intentions? You’re ready to leave work but you barely even dented your to-do list. As a result, you’re going to have to try to justify squeezing an hour of work in once […]