Author: Sean Cronin
Newsletter December 2023
The Best News Ever What’s Your Story? Your church has a compelling story to share with your community. Make sure to craft that story in a way that appeals to them. This is why before developing a marketing strategy, you have to do some contextualization homework. That will help you […]
Newsletter November 2023
We’re Better Together You Are An Equipper As a church planter, what is your primary function? Are you predominately a preacher, teacher, pastor, or event coordinator? No. Your primary function as a church planter is an equipper. You need to supply your people with a constant source of vision, so […]
Newsletter October 2023
Connecting The Disconnected Church Assimilation Strategy Principles If it seems like the majority of your church’s first-time guests aren’t sticking and staying in your church, don’t panic. You’re not alone. Research indicates that most growing churches have a first-time guest retention rate of about 20% – meaning that 1 out of 5 […]
Happy 2nd Birthday Canvas Church!
“Passion for Planting is where the rubber meets the road. In church planting, we often dream big and shoot for the sky – and you absolutely should. However, Passion For Planting helped me digest big ideas and create practical ways to execute them; in other words, they helped me turn […]
Newsletter September 2023
Unleashing The Power of Family Discipleship Real Life Theology Conversations As a church leader, you want to see the baton of faith passed along to the next generation. That’s why you champion the cause of Christ-centered children’s ministry at your church. You recruit passionate team members to lead it, but […]
Newsletter August 2023
New Possibilities Asynchronous Community Covid forced many churches to enter into the digital ministry space. Now that churches are back meeting in person, what are we to do with all the online ministry skills and expertise we gained? Do we ditch it and put all our eggs into local, in-person […]
Newsletter July 2023
Leading With Vision Reproducing Leaders If you have a God-sized vision, you won’t be able to accomplish it alone. You’ll need to develop leaders to work alongside you, investing their gifts and passions into the vision. So what will you do not only to develop leaders in your new church, […]
Newsletter June 2023
Kingdom Stewardship Church Plant Budget Worksheet Most church planters don’t have a business degree. Many haven’t even taken a finance class. That’s why when it comes time to create a church planting budget, they end up wasting time and energy starting from scratch with a blank spreadsheet. That’s why we […]
Newsletter May 2023
Opportunities On The Horizon Pastors In The Marketplace Have you considered being bi-vocational while planting a church? It’s not for everyone, but many church planters work a second job while planting as a way to meet people in their community and provide for their families. If you already have an […]
Newsletter April 2023
It’s A Long Season Launch Vision Template One key to starting strong in a church plant is having clarity on and unity in vision. Are you and your core team clear on where God is leading your church in the next days, months and years? Do you all have the […]
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