Author: Sean Cronin

New Book on Fasting and Prayer: Revival Starts Here
by Bobby Harrington: At last year’s National Disciple Making Forum, Shodankeh Johnson poignantly described how prayer and fasting has fueled a rapidly growing disciple-making movement in West Africa. His stories were incredible, and many of us walked away convicted. As American leaders, we also walked away wanting to lead our […]

Portable Church Signage | Practical Steps to Creating Your Environment (Part 1)
.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: Choosing to visit a church for the first time can be a daunting experience for many. Many first time visitors to your church can have their defenses up. Perhaps they have been hurt by a previous experience; perhaps they walked away from established religion a […]

Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email by Peyton Jones: Google is your friend. Did you know that you can profile census information? You can profile single mothers, foreign language speakers, Poverty level. Mission Insights is a valuable resource that many big denominations use. This practice is known as “mapping”. Mapping […]

What is a Church Plant Preview Service?
by Patrick Bradley: Before your new church makes a splash with its Grand Opening, you need to run at least 3 church plant preview services. I started learning about preview services before I even got into church planting ministry. Many years ago, I was on staff at a bank as […]

When to Take Burn-the-Ships, No-Turning-Back, Massive Action
When to Take Burn-the-Ships, No-Turning-Back, Massive Action .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: Some decisions are so radical that there is simply no going back. They’re life-changing, and sometimes world-changing. The problem is, only a relatively few people will ever experience them. Out of twelve spies who scouted out the promised land, […]

Rewind: Your Favorite Free Resources From 2019
by Shawn Lovejoy: Over the course of 2019 we released a lot of free content at, helping so many leaders and teams grow healthier and grow faster! You seemed to connect with our blog posts, podcast episodes, and, for today’s post, our Free Downloadable Resources. The Free Downloadable Resources […]

2018 Year-In-Review
Yea God! Our 2018 Year-In-Review As we reflect on 2018, we can’t help but praise God for the many ministry opportunities he’s allowed Passion for Planting to play a role in this past year. This year alone we helped start forty-three new churches (across the USA and internationally), provided training to hundreds […]

Passion for Planting 2017 Year In Review
Celebrating 2017 As we reflect on 2017 we’re thankful for ministry opportunities Passion for Planting has been a part of in our region, our nation, and globally. This year alone we helped plant five new churches, trained hundreds of church planters, and offered free church planting resources to thousands of […]

Passion for Planting @ Exponential East 2018
Our Passion for Planting team is super-excited about our Church Planting pre-conference and workshops at Exponential East on February 26 through March 1, 2018 in sunny Orlando, FL. Thanks Exponential team for moving East up to February so we can escape the cold weather! Passion for Planting is taking a […]

Re-Imagine Church Night
Launch Team Development One common challenge every church planter faces is developing a launch team. Whether a planter starts with a group of people from a sending church or starts from scratch, developing a team of people who will carry out the ministry and mission of the church is never […]