14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Category: Discipleship

Gaining Momentum in the Midst of Turmoil

Transitions can be awkward! Much is written about the more awkward church transitions – going from one service to two, growing from a school gymnasium to your own building, starting up a new campus. And perhaps the most awkward transitions of all are those that take you from nothing to […]

Why Do We Plant Churches?

I care about church planting because my world was turned upside down by the Gospel. I encountered the truth and love of Jesus and it transformed my life. And since then, I have also seen the Gospel transform the lives of countless others. I just finished an 11-month church-planting residency with […]

Church-Follower or Christ-Follower?

Where does your discipleship strategy lead? If making disciples is in your mission statement, it should translate into your resource allocation. At Church @ The Springs in Ocala, Florida, led by church-planting expert Ron Sylvia, there was great concern about the results of Willow Creek’s Reveal Study a number of […]