Tag: apologetics
Tips for Evangelism in a Post-Christian Era
Home > Blog > Tips for Evangelism in a Post-Christian Era Tips for Evangelism in a Post-Christian Era By New Churches Team In every generation, people have defeater beliefs. The question is, how do you deconstruct them? Defeater beliefs cause them to think Christianity can’t be the only way because […]
Episode 471: The Importance of Evangelism
In Episode 471 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss why there has been a decline of evangelism. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: What keeps people from sharing the gospel Some specific seminary programs worth looking into Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches): “We are drawn to tools and the end […]
Recommended Resources for Disciple Makers
by Jim Putman: If you have read my books or posts or listened to my sermons, there should be no doubt in your mind that I believe discipleship begins with and is sustained by relationship. However, disciple makers also must be ready to give an answer, defend the faith, and […]
The New Atheists and how to serve them well
Photo by Capuski/iStock / Getty Images by Greg Curtis: If you are in community with young adults and are in a multi-generational church like I am, you have caught a whiff of the phenomena I am about to talk about. Maybe that exposure came from… A young leader in your […]
Our Apologetics Must Surrender to the Transformative Power of Jesus Christ!
by Stan Rodda: When it comes to apologetics, defending our faith in Christ, there is one very popular verse that many of us know. You probably are already quoting it in your mind. You’ve already jumped to 1 Peter 3 in your head and you’re repeating it on auto pilot […]
Some Thoughts on the Wave of Deconversions and The State of Preaching Today
by Carey Nieuwhof: It’s the hope of almost every preacher I’ve ever met that people will embrace Jesus. That’s been my hope every time I preach. And yet the opposite seems to be happening: more people than ever before seem to be walking away from Christ. It’s not that they […]