14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: attractional church


5 Reasons Charismatic Churches Are Growing (And Attractional Churches Are Past Peak)

by Carey Nieuwhof: Notice this lately? If you look at almost any growing church led by younger leaders, it definitely tends toward the charismatic—expressive worship, more emotional delivery in preaching, an openness to the work and activity of the Holy Spirit, and generally a warmer, more enthusiastic and expressive gathering. And…a […]


Three Essentials for an Attractional Church Plant

By Drew Hyun: Over the past 40 years, the Christian church in America has been deeply impacted by the attractional church movement, a movement that emphasized for churches to be relatable and effective in reaching the unchurched. These attractional churches conducted services and programs in such a way that people would […]