Tag: baptism

What Is Discipleship?
by Joanne Kraft: “Discipleship” Have you heard this word buzzing around lately? Do you know someone who’s in a discipleship relationship? If so, you’ve more than likely nodded your head up and down as your girlfriend droned on and on about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. […]

Vlog: How to do Baptisms in a Portable Church
.et_post_meta_wrapper How to do Baptism in a Portable Church by Portable Church Industries Favorite products for doing baptisms in a portable church. A horse trough is one of the most common ways we see churches do baptism. The good things about them is that you can dress them up a […]

20+ Downloadable Graphics Your Church Can Use to Promote Baptisms
by Rich Birch: Baptism is a vitally important part of discipleship process for the people at your church. It’s also an amazing time in the life of your church. Make sure that you are leveraging this opportunity in the life of your church to communicate about all the life change […]

Saying ‘Jesus is Lord’ Today
by Bobby Harrington: We gathered in a small group and a lady in the group, who is a new friend of ours, stated her desire to be baptized. I was excited! The grace of Jesus had captured her, and our group was happy. This was a wonderfully momentous decision for […]