14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: Blog


How to Live on Mission Like Jesus

By Doug Holliday: “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.‘” John 20:21 This past weekend, we moved our daughter into her new dorm at the University of Florida. The weekend before that, we drove another daughter up to Long Island […]


Why Do We Need Discipleship Multiplication?

By Ken Adams: For most of us, if we don’t have a good reason for why we need to do something that will be challenging, we probably won’t do it. Knowing why is essential in most any endeavor, but especially when it comes to multiplying disciples. If we knew and […]


Move from Religious Activity to Relational Investment

Making Disciples By Craig Etheredge: “So if I buy into what you are saying, what is going to be different about my ministry six months from now?” It was a good question, coming from a seasoned pastor. As we shared lunch together in a nice restaurant, the topic of conversation […]


Three Powerful Habits of Healthy Disciple Making Cultures

Justin Gravitt: Healthy things are created and sustained by need-meeting habits. Just consider the core habits needed for a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating and regular exercise. Both habits meet many of the body’s core needs. The first for nutrition, the second for musculoskeletal health. Not only do these habits largely […]


Success Is a Weekly Agenda

By Ken Adams: My ministry friend, Brian Dodd, says that, “Success is a daily agenda.” I agree with Brian, but I’ve found that my life revolves around a weekly agenda more than a daily agenda. Granted, days make weeks and weeks make months and years, so ultimately the idea is […]


Great Leaders Live the Mission

by Ken Adams: What would you think if I led a discipleship group and encouraged group members to memorize Scripture, but I never memorized Scripture myself? How would you feel if I told group members to read and study their Bibles but didn’t even crack my Bible open week after […]


Leading #beyondthehashtag

By Doug Holliday: Last week I was in Denver for meetings with our ministry partner, Dare 2 Share, when the words of a respected Christian leader blew up social media. As we all have seen in the past month and even recent years, the words of leaders have an effect […]


Pandemic Disciple Making: Lessons for the In-Between

By Justin Gravitt: “Ladies and gentleman, this is Justin, and I’ll be your captain today. On behalf of Jesus, welcome aboard Pandemic Flight COVID-19, offering non-stop service from your sense of normalcy to an undisclosed final destination. Flight time will be three weeks…uh, I mean three months… actually it could […]


Great Leaders Do the Mission

By Ken Adams: After a half century of involvement with my local church, I have concluded that there are two types of leaders: those who talk about the mission of making disciples, and those who actually do it. Do the Work If you find a leader who actually does the […]


Picture of a Disciple

By Justin Gravitt: It’s the best known, most visited, most written about, and most famous work of art in the world. You know the one, right? Picture it in your mind. This is the most famous painting in the history of the world. It’s so famous that you can clearly […]