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Tag: church attendance

PODCAST 137: Resi & Analytics of Online Church Services

By TheChurch.Digital: Are our physical services effective? Typically, we measure butts in seats to get that number. Did more people come this week than last week? You’re heading in the right direction. In most situations, butts in seats is a horrible analytic. That being said, it’s necessary… but there are […]


How the Crisis Probably Killed Your Vision (And How To Get It Back)

By Carey Nieuwhof: How’s your vision casting lately? I noticed something recently that surprised and disappointed me: Without realizing it, a few months ago, I stopped casting vision for my team. Which is really strange, because I’m a visionary, that’s what I do. And I’ve been leading with vision for decades. But […]


The False Debate Between Online and In-Person Church (How To Plan for An Uncertain Future)

By Carey Nieuwhof: So it’s been a year now since pretty much every church got online courtesy of the pandemic. As the world moves slowly but surely into the post-pandemic era, there are a lot of questions about what will happen to future in-person church. The return to church has […]


A Surprisingly Accurate Way to See If Your Church or Organization Will Flounder After the Pandemic

By Carey Nieuwhof: So, any idea whether your church or business grow after the pandemic? Will things spring back to pre-COVID levels? Or will you struggle for years to come? With so much still up in the air, you might think that question is unanswerable. Well, yes and no. To […]


7 Disruptive Leadership Trends That Will Rule 2021

By Carey Nieuwhof: Just when you thought the world couldn’t get any more turbulent or surprising, the opening moments of 2021 still have everyone trying to catch their breath. So what are the leadership trends you should be tracking in 2021? For years I’ve done a series of church trends […]


8 Disruptive Church Trends That Will Rule 2021 (The Rise of the Post-Pandemic Church)

By Carey Nieuwhof: Having been through a year like no other, what can you expect as a church leader in 2021? In all likelihood, this year will lead the church into the post-pandemic world. It won’t be the light switch you hope for (and suddenly, we’re all back!). Instead, it […]


Why You Should Lower Your Expectations for 2021 Starting Now

By Carey Nieuwhof: You’re so anxious to get 2020 over with. I get it. I feel that too. it would be amazing if somebody  returned everything to some semblance of normalcy right about now, wouldn’t it? Sitting here in December 2020 at the end of a long year, it’s tempting […]


In-Person Church Attendance Is Here To Stay (But 5 Ways It’s Changing In the Future)

By Carey Nieuwhof: As things continue to change and the crisis we’re in drags on, you’re probably asking what’s going to happen to physical church attendance in the future. That’s a really important question. The good news is that as long as there are people, people will gather. The need […]

Creating an online engagement pathway, taking attendance online, and more (Facebook Live session 3 summary)

by Greg Curtis: The quarantine has made it easier than ever to access good teaching about Jesus and the life his death and resurrection makes possible. It has not made it easier however to connect with others to experience that life everyday. Or has it? Sherpas-leaders at your church are […]


New Exodus? 4 Reasons So Many People (Including Christians) Have Suddenly Left the Church

By Carey Nieuwhof: You’ve probably noticed. Leading a church is more confusing, frustrating and complex than ever. In this post, I’ll share some surprising data that shows why it feels that much harder, and some observations and suggestions that I hope can help point you in a more promising direction. […]