14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: church metrics


Beyond Vanity Metrics and Algorithms: 5 Online Benchmarks Churches Should Start Measuring

by Carey Nieuwhof: How do you measure what happened at church last weekend? How do you know that you’re actually making progress? If the goal is to turn online views into real relationships and actual discipleship, any idea what to look for to know if that’s actually transpiring? The super-inflated […]


6 Systems Every Executive Pastor Needs to Evaluate This Year – unSeminary

by Rich Birch: Are you an executive pastor wondering where you should focus your time and energy? Are you wondering exactly how things are really going at your church? Are you a bit mystified about how to evaluate what’s really happening under the hood of your church? Executive pastors are […]


7 Other Weekend Metrics Church Leaders Should Study Regularly

by Rich Birch: Too often, church leaders only pay attention to weekend attendance and revenue patterns at their churches. Sometimes these numbers are referred to as “nickels and noses” or maybe the slightly more vulgar “butts and bucks.” However, there are many other factors to consider if we’re trying to […]


Church Metrics will Help You Avoid this Mistake

by Patrick Bradley: Measuring a few important things on a church metrics scorecard will help you in a few important ways. Not the least of which is keeping you from making myth-based decisions. Years ago on a plane ride, I watched a documentary about the invention of the M16 rifle. […]


When Does a Management Team Win?

By Patrick Bradley: What is the end game for a church plant Management Team? When does a Management Team win? Understanding the Management Team win is important in recruiting team members and in keeping everyone shooting at the same target. You’ll have a Management Team for several years and even […]