Tag: church volunteers

Help Gaining Clarity in a 20 Year Old Church with Rick Raiford
by unSeminary: Thanks for joining us for this episode of the unSeminary podcast. This week we’re talking with Rick Raiford, the executive pastor at Daystar Church in North Carolina. Daystar started as a small country church in Greensboro, North Carolina and over the past twenty years has grown to become […]

Vlog: 6 Effective Principles of Portability
.et_post_meta_wrapper Principles of Portability There are hundreds of principles required to being a portable church and doing it well. In this Vlog episode we want to discuss 6 of the most important principles of portability. The first one is to consider the weight. Equipment choice is such a crucial piece […]

6 Systems Every Executive Pastor Needs to Evaluate This Year – unSeminary
by Rich Birch: Are you an executive pastor wondering where you should focus your time and energy? Are you wondering exactly how things are really going at your church? Are you a bit mystified about how to evaluate what’s really happening under the hood of your church? Executive pastors are […]

How to Empower People in Ministry
By Annie Garman: How can we possibly lead well? In my 20 years of ministry experience, I’ve learned that doing it all yourself is not the answer. Even though it might feel slow, we’ve got to learn how to involve others and delegate things. Here are five practical ways to […]

7 Realities of Recruiting Multisite Church Launch Teams – unSeminary
by Rich Birch: There is no doubt that the multisite church movement has blossomed, and has a massive impact on the church today. In fact, today in North America one in six people attend a multisite church campus. That fact astonishes me! Each one of those campuses has had a […]

How to Attract and Keep Amazing Volunteers You Can’t Afford to Pay
by Carey Nieuwhof: You’ve probably fallen into the trap of thinking that the only way you can attract and keep great people is to pay them. It’s a natural way to think when you’re in leadership. First of all, that’s not true. And second, if you lead a church, there’s no […]