Tag: Current News

5 Digital Shifts That Are Impacting Church Growth
This guest post is written by Angela Faith, Digital Strategist at one of our trusted partners, Pro WEBFIRE. Pro WEBFIRE spends every day on the edge of the digital space, and I’m excited to share what Angela and the team are learning. The ever increasing shifts in culture seem to […]

Some Thoughts On Why MegaChurch Pastors Keep Falling
Carey Nieuwhof: So this isn’t an easy post to write, nor a glib one. I’m not even sure what I’m about to write is accurate. But once again last week, we heard of yet another mega-church pastor who isn’t in leadership anymore, this one fired by his church because of […]

CNLP 192: Caleb Kaltenbach on How to Embrace an Outraged and Polarized Culture Most Leaders No Longer Like
by Carey Nieuwhof: In a polarized culture filled with a growing number of angry people, how do you find your voice, counter arguments and keep your sanity? Messy Grace author Caleb Kaltenbach is back with a fresh look on how to embrace a culture of outrage and division. Conservatives and […]

The Current American Tension and 4 Opportunities for the Church
by Carey Nieuwhof: You don’t need to be anything more than a casual observer of American (and Western) culture to know that something significant is happening. Charlottesville, Ferguson, Baltimore and a host of other cities that have seen events which symbolize the problems this generation is struggling with will, sadly, likely […]
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