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Tag: daniel im


Church Multiplication, Church Planting & Multisite with Daniel Im

by unSeminary: Welcome to the unSeminary podcast. This week we are joined by Daniel Im, an author and teaching pastor at the Fellowship Church in Nashville. Daniel is from Canada, and he has traveled across the world to help plant churches. He has been in Nashville for the last four […]


Episode 337: The Importance of Children’s Ministry in Church Plants

In Episode 337 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed answer the question about how much focus a new church should dedicate to their children’s ministry. Here is today’s question: ” When you start a new church, would you focus on children’s ministry? Should that be your primary focus? […]


Episode 336: How to Exegete Your Community

In Episode 336 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd answer the question about how to exegete your community. Here is today’s question: “What is the best way to exegete your community in order to know your context as you plant your church?” In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How […]


Multiplying Churches Like 7-Elevens

By Daniel Im: When I was a child, one of my favorite things to do was to go to a local 7-Eleven to buy a Slurpee, nachos with cheese, and some chewy soda bottle candies. Since 7-Eleven’s were everywhere in Vancouver, I could multiply the times of doing this— whether it […]


How to Create a Culture of Service in Your Church

By Daniel Im: William Wallace, Melinda Gates, Hitler, Elvis Presley, Billy Graham, Nelson Mandela, Bono, and Jeff Bezos. What’s your off-the-cuff reaction when you hear those names? Do you think of similarities or differences? If you could group them together with one word, which one would you use? Would the word […]


Five Characteristics of Structure for Church Multiplication

By Daniel Im: One of the greatest ways to prohibit movement is to under-structure and over-institutionalize yourself to the point your church cannot bear any more weight. Many churches scratch their heads wondering why their numbers from year to year stay relatively the same while they can look at their records […]


Barriers To Multiplication

By Daniel Im: In every story and aspect of life, there always seem to be opposing forces. On our planet, you have night and day. In Romeo and Juliet, you have the Capulets and the Montagues. In Star Wars, you have the Rebellion and the Empire. In Marvel, you have the […]


Episode 303: Core Groups vs Launch Teams

by NewChurches.com: The terminology, ‘core group’ and ‘launch team’ fundamentally mean something different. In Episode 303 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss the fundamental differences between core groups and launch teams. Should I start with a core group or a launch team? In this episode, you’ll discover: […]


Three Things Successfully Multiplying Churches Do

By Daniel Im: Churches that multiplied within their first five years did a few things at a far higher percentage than those that didn’t. The first thing is that they were consistently ruthless about communicating their vision to multiply on a monthly basis. Multiplying churches didn’t just preach about it once […]


Episode 298: Resourcing Your Core Team

by NewChurches.com: Vision and values are transferred by people, not paper. In Episode 298 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss developing your core team in preparation for a launch. Here’s Tim with today’s question: We’re getting ready to launch our second location in November. What resources would […]