Tag: disciple making

The One Thing that Keeps Discipling Relationships from Dying
by Joanne Kraft: As a new Christian, I didn’t know how to read my Bible or how to grow in my faith. Nor, did I really even know how to keep a house, and I certainly didn’t know how to love my husband and my children the way God wanted […]

Defining “Church” and a “Level 5 Disciple-Making Church”
by Bobby Harrington: Various Discipleship·org partners and I had a very challenging meeting last month as we sought to define some key terms that are crucial for disciple-making leaders to thrive. I wanted to share this challenge with all our readers, and that’s why I’m writing to you today. The group of disciple-making leaders I mentioned above and […]

Why Develop a Disciple Maker Assessment Like This?
Written by Bobby Harrington and Greg Wiens: Disciple makers struggle to find common markers and common vernacular to describe the process of disciple making. This was the goal in developing a commonly available assessment tool focused on disciple making. Our online tool is designed to help Christians develop an objective assessment […]

Unique to Your Gifts, Passions and Walk with Christ
Written by Bobby Harrington and Greg Wiens: Your ability to make disciples is not dependent on personality, position, knowledge, education, age ethnicity, background, season of life, or your score on this disciple maker assessment. Your disciple making ability is not dependent on your gifts, passions and walk with Christ. There are […]

How to Begin with a New Discipleship Group
By Josh Patrick: This is the third part of a series on starting a discipleship group. To access previous blogs in this series, click here. We sat down with preacher and author Josh Patrick and asked him some basic questions about how Jesus made disciples. Here’s what he told us. […]

How to Choose Persons For a Discipleship Group
by Bobby Harrington: This is the second part of a series on starting a discipleship group. To access previous blogs in this series, click here. We sat down with preacher and author Josh Patrick and asked him some basic questions about how Jesus made disciples. Here’s what he told us. […]

How to Start a Discipleship Group
by Bobby Harrington: Jesus not only called us to make disciples, but he also showed us how to do it. His strategy was simple. He formed an intentional community of men where he taught, encouraged, challenged, and equipped them in the ways of God. This method has proven to be […]