Tag: exponential

Three Phases of Churches Planting Churches
Home > Blog > Three Phases of Churches Planting Churches Three Phases of Churches Planting Churches By Ed Stetzer It seems for the last four decades or so, church communities have been talking about planting other churches. But much of that time was spent talking without taking action. The difference […]

Searching for Disciple Making Churches and Movements in North America?
by Bobby Harrington: Dear Discipleship-First Tribe, We want you to become the disciple maker God intends you to be. For those of you who are church leaders, we also want you to develop and lead effective disciple-making churches. We are praying that the fires of disciple making movements will spring […]

Church Planting and Disciple Making
by Todd Wilson: Exponential is leading a track called “Church Planting and Disciple Making,” which focuses on the connections between church planting and discipleship. Have you ever made something harder than it needed to be? We all have the tendency to focus on the complexities instead of the simple questions […]