Tag: Family

Pastor Like You Parent with Lee Eclov
by unSeminary: Welcome to this week’s unSeminary podcast. Today I’m speaking with Pastor Lee Eclov. Lee has been in Lincolnshire, Illinois, in the suburbs of Chicago, for almost 22 years. Set in a transient community, Village Church of Lincolnshire is a church of about 200, where Lee pastors. Lee is […]

4 Ways to Show You’re Really ‘In Love’ with Your Spouse
4 Ways to Show You’re Really ‘In Love’ with Your Spouse .et_post_meta_wrapper I first met my wife in high school. I was a senior, she was a junior, and we were seven lockers apart. We met. We talked… a LOT. We fell in love. That phrase is actually a pretty good […]

Leadership Development: Family Matters
by Healthy Growing Churches: Who remembers the show from the photo above? We don’t see many shows like this one on television anymore. Wasn’t it great to see the same plot unfold every week on TGIF? Great, loving, supportive family Problem or challenge unveiled Resolution – 30 minutes later Perhaps […]

Creating Community Over the Christmas Holidays
By Daniel Im: We all tend to spend our holidays in different ways. Some of us spend it with our families, others alone. Some with big Turkey feasts and others with mac and cheese or bbq chicken from the grocery store. However, the one thing that stays constant throughout the holiday […]

Filtering + Accountability + Humility: How to Protect You and Your Family from Internet Pornography
by Brandon A. Cox: Most of the conversations I have with men that go deep and personal pertain to lust and online pornography. Sometimes it’s deeper and even darker, especially when porn has created the illusion that people (especially women) are mere objects to be stared at and lusted after […]

15 Ways To Become a Kinder, Better Boss and Human Being
by Carey Nieuwhof: If your team (and family) was being 100% honest, would they say they love being around you? I know, these are the questions that keep us up at night, or at least should. I would says the answer for me is sometimes yes, and sadly, sometimes not so […]

The Distinctions of Networked, Family, and Multisite Churches
By Drew Hyun: One of the common questions I’m asked is how we’re structured as a family of churches, so I thought it’d be helpful to clarify the differences between a networked church, a family of churches, and a multisite church in terms of structure. Ultimately, the structure all relates to […]

4 Lies that Cause Pastors to Neglect their Families
by Jaime Owens: The walls of our church’s nursery needed painting. So there I was, on my regular day off with a brush in my hand. A country song I’d never heard before—“The Dollar,” by Jamey Johnson—filled the room as I splashed the first coat of something called Polar Bear […]

The Blessings and Burdens of A Church Planter’s Wife
by Gloria Furman: No two church planting wives are the same. Our unique church contexts, seasons, personalities, challenges, gifts, perspectives, and preferences could fill volumes. WHAT’S DIFFERENT If you sat down for chai with Ananya in Ahmedabad and asked her to discuss the blessings and burdens of being a church […]

Church Planting with Kids
By Stephanie McGraw: If you’re a parent and ministry worker, you know how hard it can be to juggle the responsibilities of family and church. On one hand, you have your church family who looks to you for spiritual guidance and wisdom, and on the other, you have your family at […]