Tag: first time guests

A challenge from the Christmas story and a tip on video for connecting well with your holiday guests
by Greg Curtis: I just realized…this is my last post of the decade. It got me thinking: What do I want to close the 2000 teens with as we move into the 3rd decade of the 21st century together? Over that last few years I have been attempting to consistently […]

5 Needs Guests are Attempting to Meet When They Come to Your Church
by unSeminary: Why do people come to church? When you think about it from a broader, cultural context, it’s sort of an unusual behavior. Especially when it seems like the new studies on church attendance that come out every week all point to the national decline in church attendance. Still, […]

Do This to Connect More Guests to Your Church with Greg Curtis
by unSeminary: Thank you for joining this episode of the unSeminary podcast. We’re speaking with Greg Curtis, the Director of Assimilation at Eastside Church in Orange County, California. We’re talking with Greg today about the importance of developing a ministry-wide strategy for assimilation that is used throughout your church. Second-nature […]