Tag: flexibility

Episode 564: What Established Churches Can Learn From Church Plants
By NewChurches.com: In Episode 564 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss things that established churches and pastors can learn about the church planting stage. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How flexibility and agility benefit church plants Why all churches need entrepreneurial leaders Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches): “Every church […]

Write Your Plans with a Dry Erase Marker
By Ken Adams: I am a man who lives by a plan. The truth is, I plan out just about everything. I have an annual life plan. I make a monthly plan, and I try to consistently execute a weekly plan. I know a thing or two about having a […]

Practical Help For Developing Your Church’s Team Culture with Lee Coate
by Rich Birch: Welcome back to another episode of the unSeminary podcast. We’re in for a treat today with Lee Coate, the executive pastor in charge of ministry and media at The Crossing Christian Church in Las Vegas. The Crossing began in 2000 as a partner plant coming out of […]

3 Overlooked Qualities of a Successful Church Planter
By Dustin Neeley: There are some qualities that are in the job description of church planting. The church planter should be a qualified minister and have an entrepreneurial mindset. There are also overlooked qualities that are mentioned less often but are very important to becoming a successful church planter. 1. Have an […]