14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: followup


7 Habits of Generation Z That Your Church Might Be Ignoring

By: Carey Nieuwhof This post is written by Dillon Smith, a Gen Z team member of mine. There’s no doubt that Gen Z has some different habits than previous generations. Thanks to the internet and smartphones, the environment that we’ve grown up in is completely unique, and unlike any generation […]


5 Emotions First-time Guests Feel When They Arrive at Your Church

by Rich Birch: Have you ever watched people arrive on Sunday morning at your church and wondered what they’re feeling in that moment? We know that feelings and emotions are incredibly powerful motivators and memory-makers. In fact, studies have proven that we make more decisions based on emotion rather than […]


7 Best Practices of First-time Guest Gifts at Your Church – unSeminary

by Rich Birch: Are you leveraging your first-time guest gifts effectively enough to move people from being guests to fully connected members of your church? I hope so, because this is an important piece of the connection timeframe; in fact, it’s a critical point in the eight phases of moving […]