14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: Leadership


8 Ways to Stop Biggering and Start Bettering the Church

by Brandon A. Cox: Remember the Once-ler? From The Lorax by Dr. Seuss? He was a fairly normal guy who wanted to build a big business at the expense of the environment, so he kept “biggering and biggering” until all the trees were gone, the wildlife had vacated the landscape, and […]


3 Components of a Healthy Church Planting Model

by Brandon A. Cox: We’re so “ether-or” in our viewpoints, aren’t we? We have a tendency to form an opinion, stake a position, and defend it against anything that looks different. Tension can be good. Out of tension flows a creative discussion and differences of opinion that force us to […]


Overcoming The New Leadership Epidemic — Isolation and Loneliness

by Carey Nieuwhof: I talk to a growing number of leaders who ask for advice—very personal advice. They ask me questions like Should I stay in this church or move on? or I’m struggling with my elder board, is it time for me to leave? These are really big questions, and they’re situation-specific. As […]


The Best Leaders Are Broken Leaders

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon A. Cox: I am broken. I lead a community of broken people called a church. And we often say, unapologetically, that we are a community of the broken who have good news for the broken. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t mean that we’re “broken” in the sense that we’re rendered useless […]


The Current American Tension and 4 Opportunities for the Church

by Carey Nieuwhof: You don’t need to be anything more than a casual observer of American (and Western) culture to know that something significant is happening. Charlottesville, Ferguson, Baltimore and a host of other cities that have seen events which symbolize the problems this generation is struggling with will, sadly, likely […]


4 Lies that Cause Pastors to Neglect their Families

by Jaime Owens: The walls of our church’s nursery needed painting. So there I was, on my regular day off with a brush in my hand. A country song I’d never heard before—“The Dollar,” by Jamey Johnson—filled the room as I splashed the first coat of something called Polar Bear […]


“What Do You Want?”: Pastoral Reflections on Faithfulness

by Aaron Menikoff: Ambition is intoxicating. A few years ago I came close—a couple times—to having a book picked up by a premier, academic publisher. I’m not sure what bothered me more: the fact that both publishers ultimately turned me down, or the fact that I cared so much. Even […]


8 Gifts to “Pour Into” the Leaders You’re Developing

by Brandon A. Cox: It’s great to be “pouring into” people. That’s a popular phrase in today’s leadership environment. I’ve used it because I like the word picture of it. Whatever I may have learned about life and leadership, I’m supposed to be passing along to others. But what does the […]


Why Attending Church No Longer Makes Sense

by Carey Nieuwhof: The trend is practically universal: fewer people are attending church every year. You might have even asked the question yourself. Why bother? There are many reasons why that’s happening (I outline 10 here), but I think it’s increasingly evident that it no longer makes sense to attend […]


3 Ways Great Leaders Handle Tough Circumstances Differently

by Carey Nieuwhof: Circumstances. You face them every day, you are always reacting to them–positively or negatively. Think about it. What situations in your life do you wish would change right now? A different work environment that doesn’t suck the life out of you Better health A happier marriage A closer […]