Tag: Life
5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Church Is Geared to Insiders, Not Outsiders
by Carey Nieuwhof: Pretty much every church leader I talk to says they long to reach their community. After all, the church is one of the only missions on the planet that exists for the sake of its non-members. But there’s a strange tension to which leaders are often blind: as […]
3 Secrets to Crushing Your Goals AND Loving Your Family
by Carey Nieuwhof: Most people think that if you win at work, you need to lose at home. The demands of leadership are so tough that it’s almost impossible to win on both fronts. And—honestly—sometimes we lie to ourselves as leaders. We pretend it’s going great at home when we know […]
5 Signs Your Passion Level in Leadership is White Hot
by Carey Nieuwhof: If there’s one characteristic I see in successful leaders, it’s passion. The more church leaders I connect with, the more I see this trend: leaders of growing churches (and growing organizations) have a white hot passion for their mission. You can hear it in their voice. You can […]
5 Ways Tracking Church Attendance Messes With Your Soul
by Carey Nieuwhof: If you’ve spent more than 10 minutes in church leadership, you’re aware of the tension that tracking church attendance creates inside you and around you. Sure, for starters, the way other leaders talk about numbers is an easy gateway for criticism (He’s totally obsessed with numbers). But […]
5 Honest Struggles Most Church Leaders Don’t Want To Admit
by Carey Nieuwhof: Most of us who get into full-time ministry do so because we sense a calling, not because it was a ‘career path’. Chances are you got in this because you love God, deeply, right? So it’s always a bit surprising and unusual then when ministry leaders find […]
3 Ways Great Leaders Handle Tough Circumstances Differently
by Carey Nieuwhof: Circumstances. You face them every day, you are always reacting to them–positively or negatively. Think about it. What situations in your life do you wish would change right now? A different work environment that doesn’t suck the life out of you Better health A happier marriage A closer […]
How to Stop Saying I’m Sorry To Your Family
by Frank Bealer: I have several friends from Canada and whenever we get together I’ve noticed they tend to apologize for everything. They say sorry even when the fault is clearly not their own. It’s unnecessary if you ask me, but it could explain why our neighbors to the north […]
Why Busy Leaders Make Bad Leaders
by Carey Nieuwhof: Ask a lot of people how they are, and they’ll shoot you a single word answer: Busy. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that’s a pet peeve of mine. I hate it when people tell me they’re busy. What does that really accomplish in the first place? Nothing. How […]