Tag: making disciples
Five Best Places To Start Fishing
By Stan Rodda: Scrap the mental image that fishing for men looks like a lone fisherman on a boat with a flannel shirt and a PBR hat. When Jesus said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men,” He was talking about fishing in the context of a […]
How Do We Multiply Disciples?
By Ken Adams: I remember many years ago learning my multiplication tables. You probably do as well. I started with 1 x 1 and then continued to recite them all the way to 12 x 12. The repetition drove those tables into my mind in such a way that I […]
Unified Disciple Making Theory
By: Discipleship.org Albert Einstein wasn’t trying to explain disciple making in the church. But, like most pastors, Einstein thought there was something missing. The famous scientist was convinced of a yet-undiscovered framework that tied together the two known forces (gravity and electromagnetism) in the physical universe. For decades he worked […]
What Form Should Disciple Making Take?
By: Discipleship.org Chances are, you’ve debated one of these topics before. Defending your opinion and viewpoint is part of what it means to be human. Sometimes we vigorously defend our position with any facts we can find … while closing our eyes to other, less helpful facts. Disciple makers can […]
What Makes You a Disciple Making Pastor?
by Bobby Harrington: Bill Hull and I have joined together to urge pastors to learn how to focus on truly making disciples. Let me explain . . . There is general agreement among pastors that making disciples is central to the church’s mission. It is a curious phenomenon, then, that […]