14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: maturity


4 ways conflict can help your church (and people) GROW

From Carey Nieuwhof: This is a guest blog post by Dillon Smith. Dillon is my content manager and is a member of my new Speaking Team. You can book Dillon to speak at your next event here. By Dillon Smith It’s true, I hate conflict. Maybe you do too. Your heart rate […]


A False Spiritual Maturity Test For Your Church…and a Better One

by Carey Nieuwhof: One of the frequent criticisms I hear of churches that are trying to reach people who don’t attend church is that they fail to produce ‘disciples’. Honestly, this is a criticism that, off and on, has been levied at our ministry for years. And it bothers me. On a recent […]