Tag: missional
Getting Our Priorities Straight
Home > Blog > Getting Our Priorities Straight Getting Our Priorities Straight By Ed Stetzer If in your travels you have ever passed by another country’s embassy, you may see people standing guard, usually in uniform and with their national flag. Those soldiers and the ambassador they guard inside are […]
How Do You Create a Culture of Sending
Home > Blog > How Do You Create a Culture of Sending How Do You Create a Culture of Sending By New Churches Team Every church starts as a church plant. And often they start with a lot of missional energy that gets lost over time. Sometimes many years go […]
Episode 449: Create a Culture of Sending
by NewChurches.com: In Episode 449 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss creating a culture that values multiplication and sending. “How have you seen established churches create a culture of sending when it has previously been largely self-interested?” In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How you begin creating a […]
Small Groups are the Vehicle, Not the Destination
by Jim Putman: As a senior pastor of Real Life Ministries and a board member with the Relational Discipleship Network, I am passionate about the importance of a relational environment to making disciples of Jesus. Small Groups are one such relational environment that works well when trying to create a […]
Episode 431: Leveraging Halloween for the Gospel
by NewChurches.com: In Episode 431 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss how churches can best use Halloween to reach the lost with the gospel. “What do you think is the best way that churches can leverage Halloween for the gospel?” In This Episode, You’ll Discover: A strategy […]
Episode 425: Transitioning from Traditional to Missional
by NewChurches.com: In Episode 424 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss the challenges in transitioning a church from traditional to missional for a serial church planter. “I am a serial church planter working to transition a traditional church toward a missional mindset. How do you stay patient […]
Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email To catch the blog post about Missional VS. Attractional CLICK HERE! by Peyton Jones: Each church planter is seemingly faced with a choice as to what path they will take, deeming one path as the way of the Jedi, and the other as the […]
Post navigation Share Tweet Print Email by Peyton Jones: COGS stands for Communities of grace. These are the best places to use your gifts. The gifts were given to the church, but like an old tie or wool knit sweater from grandma, they stay in the bottom of the drawer. […]
Five Characteristics of Structure for Church Multiplication
By Daniel Im: One of the greatest ways to prohibit movement is to under-structure and over-institutionalize yourself to the point your church cannot bear any more weight. Many churches scratch their heads wondering why their numbers from year to year stay relatively the same while they can look at their records […]