Tag: movements
The Church Jesus Started is a Generosity Movement
The Church Jesus Started is a Generosity Movement .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: I love the church. And I don’t love it nearly as much as Jesus loves the church. He’s the One who died for her. We often evaluate the church today as an institution. We’ll talk about what’s wrong […]
Multiplying Churches Like 7-Elevens
By Daniel Im: When I was a child, one of my favorite things to do was to go to a local 7-Eleven to buy a Slurpee, nachos with cheese, and some chewy soda bottle candies. Since 7-Eleven’s were everywhere in Vancouver, I could multiply the times of doing this— whether it […]
3 Components of a Healthy Church Planting Model
by Brandon A. Cox: We’re so “ether-or” in our viewpoints, aren’t we? We have a tendency to form an opinion, stake a position, and defend it against anything that looks different. Tension can be good. Out of tension flows a creative discussion and differences of opinion that force us to […]
3 Keys to Increasing Church Planting Capacity in Denominations
by Ed Stetzer: A generation of Christians that has grown up with microwaves is also sold on the idea of movements. But rarely do these things go together. Movements are not instantaneous—they can explode (that’s what makes them movements) but they don’t just show up. It takes time to see if […]