Tag: online engagement
Streaming is the New Traditional Service
by The Church.Digital: I think most of us can relate to the expression “traditional service” from our church experiences. Some of us might even remember the time when singing hymns followed by a 3-point message was no longer keeping people in church. At that time, the idea to add contemporary […]
PODCAST 086: Ali Roohi – My Church is Healthier Because of COVID
by TheChurch.Digital: I’ve talked with hundreds of Pastors in this COVID season. Easily. Not an exaggeration. If I count emails, texts, social media, direct messages, pings… geez, may be over a thousand. Never, never, NEVER have I heard a Pastor tell me this: “Our Church is healthier because of COVID.” […]
Creating an online engagement pathway, taking attendance online, and more (Facebook Live session 3 summary)
by Greg Curtis: The quarantine has made it easier than ever to access good teaching about Jesus and the life his death and resurrection makes possible. It has not made it easier however to connect with others to experience that life everyday. Or has it? Sherpas-leaders at your church are […]