14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: pain


Your Pain Always Has a Point

Your Pain Always Has a Point .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: A. W. Tozer once said, “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.” Tozer wrote those words in a previous generation of Christianity. He did not intend to imply that God wishes […]


The Positive Side of Leading Under Pressure

The Positive Side of Leading Under Pressure .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: As I write this, we’re three days from our church’s big Grand Opening at our new location. Our church is seven years old. We’ve met in an office, a hotel, a college campus, two movie theaters, and for the last […]


The Best Leaders Are Broken Leaders

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon A. Cox: I am broken. I lead a community of broken people called a church. And we often say, unapologetically, that we are a community of the broken who have good news for the broken. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t mean that we’re “broken” in the sense that we’re rendered useless […]


5 Honest Struggles Most Church Leaders Don’t Want To Admit

by Carey Nieuwhof: Most of us who get into full-time ministry do so because we sense a calling, not because it was a ‘career path’. Chances are you got in this because you love God, deeply, right? So it’s always a bit surprising and unusual then when ministry leaders find […]