Tag: planning

Episode 545: How to Create a Preaching Calendar
By NewChurches.com: In Episode 545 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Ed discuss planning out a one-year preaching calendar. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: A step-by-step guide to planning out a preaching calendar How long a sermon series should be Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches): “I do like to have a […]

Write Your Plans with a Dry Erase Marker
By Ken Adams: I am a man who lives by a plan. The truth is, I plan out just about everything. I have an annual life plan. I make a monthly plan, and I try to consistently execute a weekly plan. I know a thing or two about having a […]

Multisite Churches After COVID-19
Home > Blog > Multisite Churches After COVID-19 Multisite Churches After COVID-19 By New Churches Team Many churches are making contingency plans around their multisite campuses and plans for after COVID-19. Online Campuses One thing that will almost definitely come out of this season is that more churches will have […]

Episode 490: Your Ministry Strategy for COVID-19 – Part 2
In Episode 490 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd continue to discuss how to develop a future strategy. In This Episode, You’ll Discover: Ways to connect people to community How to develop a strategy that can grow with you Shareable Quotes (#NewChurches): “We don’t have to convince people […]

Rethinking Post-Coronavirus Ministry
Home > Blog > Rethinking Post-Coronavirus Ministry Rethinking Post-Coronavirus Ministry By Todd Adkins Now that we’ve found ourselves in a significant crisis, there are three big questions to consider: How do we do ministry during the crisis? What does it look like right after the crisis? Does […]

15 Steps to Keeping Life Simple
By Jim Wideman: Life can get wild and ministry can get crazy. When you don’t think things can get any busier, they can and they do. In my life I’ve learned “busy” is a relative term. What one person calls busy is not busy to another. The fact is no […]

6 Systems Every Executive Pastor Needs to Evaluate This Year – unSeminary
by Rich Birch: Are you an executive pastor wondering where you should focus your time and energy? Are you wondering exactly how things are really going at your church? Are you a bit mystified about how to evaluate what’s really happening under the hood of your church? Executive pastors are […]

How to Organize a Church Plant Door Hanger Campaign
by Patrick Bradley: It’s Saturday morning and your volunteers have showed up to execute your church plant door hanger campaign. Now what? You’ve already invested the time to design the door hangers as part of a larger campaign. And you’ve paid to have them printed. It would be a shame […]

3 Keys To Becoming An Intentional Disciple Maker
by Jim Putman: It is both the job and privilege of every Christian to be a disciple of Jesus. And part of that job is the call to disciple others. You can disciple someone without holding a Bible degree – Jesus did a good job of demonstrating that by the men […]