14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: Portability


63 Potential Spaces For Your Next Launch

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: Our new resource – The Ultimate List of Portable Church Venues – talks about all the different potential spaces you could use for your next campus launch or your church plant. We developed this resource in response to the question we get all the time […]


7 Little-Known Advantages of Multisite Churches

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: The multisite movement has taken the world by storm! In fact, the multisite model has already multiplied and revitalized thousands of churches in the United States. And, this method has only increased in number since then. With that in mind, here are seven reasons why […]


Multisite Church – Power of Portability (Part 2)

.et_post_meta_wrapper Sustain Multisite Momentum by Portable Church Industries: In our last blog post, we talked about different ways to launch new multisite campuses and how we advocate for a healthy balance of these 5 different ways. Portability is an incredible and underused tool, however, we know that portability isn’t always […]


How Portability is Setting Churches Free

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: This Fourth of July, churches across America will be celebrating and praying for the nation. It’s great to live in a free country, isn’t it? Well, did you know that your church can also enjoy greater freedom? Yes, that’s right! Portability can set your church free […]


Tips for Smart Portable Lighting – Part 3

.et_post_meta_wrapper How to find success with lighting in your portable church worship room. by Portable Church Industries: How does lighting apply to you and your church and what’s important to think about? Because you need audio and video before you need lighting, it doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. […]


Vlog: Excellence in Portable Churches

.et_post_meta_wrapper Production excellence in portability by Portable Church Industries: While teaching at SXSW, our friend and Portable Church client, Carey Nieuwhof, recently wrote about 7 things he learned about how the world is changing (again). He goes on to put this into the perspective of the church. He says “Production […]


Vlog: 6 Effective Principles of Portability

.et_post_meta_wrapper Principles of Portability There are hundreds of principles required to being a portable church and doing it well. In this Vlog episode we want to discuss 6 of the most important principles of portability. The first one is to consider the weight. Equipment choice is such a crucial piece […]


Practical Steps to Creating Your Environment, Part 2

.et_post_meta_wrapper by Portable Church Industries: Last time, we talked about using signage in creating your environment to provide comfort in navigating with your church launch. Now, let’s talk about creating comfort in your foyer, lobby or commons areas. There are so many ways you can create a welcoming environment that are […]