14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: power


Episode 512: Success Killers

By: New Churches In Episode 512 of the NewChurches Q&A Podcast, Daniel and Todd discuss what causes success to be killed and what leaders need to avoid those success killers. “What are the common things that kill the success of leaders?” In This Episode, You’ll Discover: The top three things […]


You Should Catch a Glimpse of Jesus as He is Now

You Should Catch a Glimpse of Jesus as He is Now .et_post_meta_wrapper by Brandon Cox: When you imagine what Jesus looks like, do you picture him from an illustration from Sunday School? Perhaps a painting from the era of the Renaissance? Or maybe as he is often portrayed in movies […]



by Craig Etheredge: Fear can hold you back, but the Spirit can make you bold. Probably the biggest excuse that keeps us from talking about Jesus is fear. We are afraid to talk to someone we don’t know. We are afraid of how they will respond. We are afraid of […]