Tag: social justice

5 Signs Your Church Might be Heading Toward Progressive Christianity
By: Alisa Childers Several years ago, my husband and I began attending a local Evangelical, non-denominational church, and we loved it. We cherished the sense of community we found among the loving and authentic people we met there, and the intelligent, “outside the box” pastor who led our flock with […]

Getting Our Language Right
Home > Blog > Getting Our Language Right Getting Our Language Right By Ed Stetzer Missional has been the word of the new millennium. People, churches and mission agencies want to be missional, but where does missions fit in? If we are all missional, and everything we do is missional, […]

The Church’s Role in Political Engagement
Home > Blog > The Church’s Role in Political Engagement June 22, 2020 The Church’s Role in Political Engagement By New Churches Team What Is Appropriate Engagement for a Church Pastor? “It’s impossible to do faithful urban ministry and not have some engagement with politics,” explains Watson Jones III, senior […]
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