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Tag: spiritual discipline


Helping Your People Add Keystone Habits that Grow Their Spiritual Lives in 2021 with Zach Zehnder

By unSeminary: Thanks for listening in to this week’s unSeminary podcast. We have Zach Zehnder with us today, the author and founder of the Red Letter Challenge. RLC began with the simple concept of trying to help people be greater followers of Jesus. It started as a book, leading the […]


Are You Listening to God’s Voice?

by Craig Etheredge: You were created to know God in a deep and personal way. He never intended for your relationship with Him to be distant, formal or mechanical. He knows you. He has a plan for you that is beautiful, adventurous and significant. And most of all, He created […]


Scripture Memory

by Replicate: The discipline of scripture memory has become, without a doubt, the most significant of the disciplines in my life. God has used scripture memory to not only bring about change and transformation in my life, but has used it to challenge and encouraged other believers. As we consider […]


The Spiritual Practice of Silence

by Brandon Cook: Think of your brain as a series of roads that you travel every day. This is actually what your brain is like on a physical level: a series of ruts—like paths or highways—that your thoughts travel over and over again. Have you ever noticed how you often have […]


Five Ways to Fight Discouragement When You Want to Quit

By Dustin Neeley: There is a reason why you hear pastors say that want to resign every Monday morning – because it is often true. In some ways, this is even more true for church planters. In addition to the inherent stresses and struggles of ministry, most planters also carry the additional burdens […]


Make Time for What Matters Most—Following Jesus

by Craig Etheredge: I saw an illustration that has stayed with me for years now because it showed so well our limitations of time. A woman took a large glass jar with various sizes of rocks, pebbles, and sand. She put all the rocks into the jar. As she struggled to […]