14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151

Tag: strategy


Why Busy Leaders Make Bad Leaders

by Carey Nieuwhof: Ask a lot of people how they are, and they’ll shoot you a single word answer: Busy. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that’s a pet peeve of mine. I hate it when people tell me they’re busy. What does that really accomplish in the first place? Nothing. How […]


Horizontal Hostility: What Is It, Why Is It Killing the Church, and How to Fix It

by Rich Birch: Horizontal hostility is a sociological phenomenon used to describe infighting or factionalism within a minority movement. Rather than banding together, subgroups snipe and fight with each other. It’s that weird thing that happens in small subcultures – when outsiders look in, they can’t believe the groups fighting […]


20 Life and Leadership Lessons I Learned From Reggie Joiner

by Carey Nieuwhof: I’ve been at the Rethink Leadership and Orange Conferences this week in Atlanta. If you’ve never been you’re missing out. I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Reggie Joiner over a number of years. We have written together, traveled together and spoken together and even started the Rethink […]


5 Ways to Use Scarcity to Drive Engagement at Your Church

by Rich Birch: Supply and demand is not only a fundamental economic principle, but a cultural assumption. When the supply of a product or service becomes scarce, it becomes more valuable. If there is an unlimited availability, it simply remains worthless for people. Is it possible to leverage scarcity to […]


5 Reasons Your Church Needs to Do (At Least) Two Services Every Sunday!

by Rich Birch: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” – Jesus (Luke 10:2) It is a fact that doing one service every Sunday is easier than […]


2 Critically Important Hidden Groups of People at Your Church

Even in a church of a few hundred people, it’s easy for folks to get lost. People can slip through the cracks and you will not be able to serve them well. Regardless of the church size, we need to constantly consider how people are plugging into our ministry. There […]