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Tag: young leaders


3 Ideas For Increasing Your Influence With Gen Z

This post on influencing Gen Z is written by Shane Sanchez. Shane is The InsideOut Director for Gwinnett Church (a campus of North Point Ministries.) I recently interviewed Shane on ChurchPulse Weekly. You can listen to the interview here.  By Shane Sanchez Does the idea of influencing the next generation […]


5 Things About Leadership My 25-Year-Old Self Never Would Have Believed

by Carey Nieuwhof: Oh to know then what you know now. It never works that way, though, does it? This past weekend, I celebrated a birthday. It was a good one. I spent much of the day being grateful, but it also made me realize how much I’ve learned over […]


Young Leaders, DeepFakes and 7 Things I Learned at SXSW About How the World Is Changing (Again…)

by Carey Nieuwhof: The world is changing so fast it often feels impossible to keep up. Technology is one thing. But so many other things are changing too. Take cultural assumptions for example. What was true a few years ago—or more dangerously, what we tell ourselves is true—isn’t necessarily true […]


5 Reasons Charismatic Churches Are Growing (And Attractional Churches Are Past Peak)

by Carey Nieuwhof: Notice this lately? If you look at almost any growing church led by younger leaders, it definitely tends toward the charismatic—expressive worship, more emotional delivery in preaching, an openness to the work and activity of the Holy Spirit, and generally a warmer, more enthusiastic and expressive gathering. And…a […]


10 Questions Church Leaders Should Be Asking (But Probably Aren’t)

by Rich Birch: Questions have a curious function in the life of a leader. A good question can often propel us forward more than a great answer. Our roles in leading our churches requires us to not only work in our ministry but to also take a step back and […]