by Josh Whitehead: Multisite: Extending Your Church’s Reach
Every Pastor has a vision – a vision to make a difference in their community for the cause of Christ. And, every Pastor pursues this vision in a different way. For many churches, extending your reach into your surrounding communities will be accomplished through multisite.
Obviously, you do not need me to define multisite for you. You have likely had the passing thought of becoming a multisite church or are being driven daily by the desire to be a multisite church – and to be there soon. However, you may be stuck. The thought of embarking on the multisite journey seems overwhelming. You have questions, but you’re not sure where to go for the right answers.
At Leadership Network, we’ve made a part of our identity helping leaders like you. Over the years we have helped hundreds of churches make advances in the area of multisite, including launching their first campuses. Our experience has shown us that leaders must focus on three critical phases for launching a first campus. Our HUB:Multisite JumpStart experience has been intentionally built around each of the three phases. Here they are (and how we can help):
Planning Your Journey
There are critical areas that you must consider in becoming a multisite church. And there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why it is critical to have a well-crafted, actionable plan for launching your first campus. When should you start casting the vision to your staff and leaders? How will you develop a Campus Pastor? Where will you launch the first location? How will you fund your multisite vision? These are just a few of the questions your team must answer as you map out your plan.
Through our action-oriented process and newly developed Multisite Launch Guide, we will help you process through 18 “markers” to launching your first campus. We will also add valuable insight from thought leaders in the area of multisite from some of the greatest multisite churches in America.
Creating Your Organizational Structure
As you prepare to launch your first campus, your church must change. And, more importantly, your staff and volunteers must change. Becoming a multisite church can stretch your leadership and thought capacity. Multisite requires your team to think differently in order to create the culture that you desire to have as an organization.
In our HUB:Multisite JumpStart experience, we’ll help you unpack the changes that you need to make to become a multisite church – not just a church with another campus. Whether planning your future central support model or learning to develop a multisite staff team, we’ll equip you to create a structure that will lead you into a greater multisite reality.
Evaluating Your Launch
When you launch your first campus, you want to be able to answer one simple question: How do we know if we are successful? By creating a scorecard to evaluate your current and future campuses, you’ll empower your team to create greater momentum. Each of you will be working together for a common goal instead of working for different goals.
With a common goal, you’ll gain a common synergy. With synergy comes momentum and through momentum you can make the changes that you desire in your local community. You’ll begin to see the life-change that defines your church’s impact in the lives of the people attending your campus.
Let Leadership Network Help You Launch
If you are considering multisite, I strongly urge you to consider becoming a part of HUB:Multisite JumpStart. We’ll empower your team to lead your church through the multisite journey – and you’ll launch your first campus with a greater success than you ever could have on your own. If you want to considering partnering with us on your journey, click or tap on the button below to learn more. Then complete the brief form and we’ll get in touch.