There’s probably a lot that church leaders like you can be thankful for – God’s faithfulness, the support of friends and family, a God-centered church community and the encouragement from like-minded leaders! However, an increasing number of churches across the United States have something else to be thankful for – the portable church model! Portability makes church growth, expansion, and multiplication more accessible than ever. So here is a list of six important reasons churches are excited about portability…
1. Reduced costs
Did you know what the difference in cost really is? Check out this comparison matrix to see the numbers… In the words of Pastor Rich Birch, “Often it costs between three to ten times more to host the same number of guests in a permanent church facility than in a rented location.”One of the biggest benefits of going portable is not having to pay for exponential construction and mortgage costs. And, it doesn’t end there! Churches that launch in temporary facilities don’t have to shell out money for ongoing or hidden costs, such as repair, maintenance and utility expenses.
One of the many reasons that mobile churches are thankful for portability is because it helps them avoid debt and unnecessary expenses that can choke their finances. This means that mobile churches can allocate more money for ministry and outreach.How excited are you to save money on unnecessary costs?!
2. Lighter footprint
Another reason that churches are grateful for portable venues is because they can move in or out of them at their own convenience. Permanent church buildings, on the other hand, cannot offer such flexibility. After all, they are “permanent!”With portability on their side, churches are able to up-size or downsize depending on their needs – anytime!Isn’t such unparalleled flexibility something to be thankful for?
3. Empowered volunteers
You can’t have church without volunteers. And you definitely can’t have a great church without dedicated volunteers, especially in a portable environment where teams need to load in and out every week. In fact, one of the things that church leaders love about mobile churches is the environment that they create for mobilizing and empowering volunteers. Especially for many of your men that have a difficult time finding the right fit in a permanent facility.A portable setup brings people together as they serve alongside. This fosters a closely knit, authentic community. People who don’t just go to the same church, but they know each other’s kids names, and what they do for a living, and who they are on a much deeper level than just the typical “oh I think that guy goes to my church.” Portability builds community. Portability also helps volunteers feel a sense of ownership in the church. It feels much more liketheir church rather than just a church they happen to go to. These are pretty compelling reasons to be thankful for portability!
4. Welcoming atmosphere
Did you know that only about 22% of Americans attend church every week? It’s not new information that a majority of our country’s population is wary of the traditional church setting. Well, thankfully there’s a silver lining! Portable churches that meet in casual venues have the advantage of being free from the “stigma” attached to traditional churches.This means that un-churched folk feel way more welcome in a casual space than a typical church building. It is no wonder people find it easy to invite their friends to church meetings that are held in theaters, schools and restaurants. We love that portability removes obstacles for the un-churched.
5. Better engagement with the community
Going hand in hand with creating a welcoming atmosphere, it has been our experience that churches who launch in everyday, public spaces are better plugged into the community. Portability lends to a “go and be” mentality instead of “come and see.” Consequently, they are able to make a greater impact in their communities and cities. In fact, it was the desire to be better planted in the community that led Rolling Hills Baptist Church in Georgia to sell their 20-acre campus and move to a movie theater. Would you like your church to be better embedded in the community?
6. Independent vision
Perhaps one of the best things about portable venues is that they don’t limit a church’s vision like permanent buildings often do. Yes, that’s right! The building has the danger of limiting a church’s vision when it starts determining what the church can, and cannot, accommodate.Thankfully, portable churches face no such issue. With the church’s focus on the people, and not on any structure, mobile churches are able to keep their vision and mission independent of the building (no more meetings about the hot water heater or the vacuum!)Is the vision of your church entangled with the church building?
Are you looking to launch a church? Would you like your church to leverage some of these advantages that portability offers? The decision to move into a portable venue might be the right move.
Over the last 25 years, our experts have helped thousands of churches successfully launch in all kinds of venues. Give us a call today at 800.939.7722 and we’ll help you find the right location to find your church’s needs.
In the meantime, Download our FREE e-book today for all the tips that you need to choose the right facility for your church! Get your copy ofFind the Right Venue For My Portable Church.