14550 Lee Rd, Chantilly, VA 20151



Building an Evangelistic Culture

by Robby Flack: Evangelism. Just hearing the word can send shivers down our spines. It’s a scary word for most people. It’s a word that can cause us to immediately come up with a thousand excuses about why we aren’t ready to actually do it or why right now isn’t […]


15 Steps to Keeping Life Simple

By Jim Wideman: Life can get wild and ministry can get crazy. When you don’t think things can get any busier, they can and they do. In my life I’ve learned “busy” is a relative term. What one person calls busy is not busy to another. The fact is no […]


CNLP 251: Drew Powell and Matt Warren on Why Attractional Church is Past Peak, Why It’s Changing and What’s Next for Weekend Services

by Carey Nieuwhof: The attractional church model has been the dominant church model for 20 years in growing churches and many leaders are noticing it’s not nearly as effective as it used to be. Few churches were better known for the attractional model than Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. […]


What if John Stott, John Wimber, Dallas Willard & Andy Stanley Planted a Church with Jon Thompson?

by unSeminary: Welcome back to this week’s episode of the unSeminary podcast. Today I have on Jon Thompson, pastor at C4 Church near Toronto, Canada. What’s happening at C4 is really unique. C4 is over 35 years old, but there has been an increase in the membership in the last […]


Why Is the Culture of a Disciple Making Church So Important?

by Bobby Harrington: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” That statement, attributed to the most influential management guru of our time, Peter Drucker, describes a reality church leaders must face in the pursuit of creating disciple making churches. A disciple making church culture is what your church actually does in disciple […]


Young Leaders, DeepFakes and 7 Things I Learned at SXSW About How the World Is Changing (Again…)

by Carey Nieuwhof: The world is changing so fast it often feels impossible to keep up. Technology is one thing. But so many other things are changing too. Take cultural assumptions for example. What was true a few years ago—or more dangerously, what we tell ourselves is true—isn’t necessarily true […]


Challenging and Improving Toxic Culture – Part 2

by Beth Ehlert: In our previous post, we began a discussion about improving toxic culture. We defined two significant terms to help us understand where we may stand as leaders–transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Now, let’s dive into more detail as we unpack this vital issue in church culture. It Starts […]


What Do You Want To Know About Multisite Church Launches?

by unSeminary: Alright, you talked me into it. I’ve received hundreds (maybe thousands) of questions over the years about my experiences in launching campuses. I’ve had the privilege of being in the driver’s seat for 13 multisite church campus launches and that means I’ve learned a lot about what not […]


7 Ways To Beat Discouragement in Leadership

by Carey Nieuwhof: If you talk to most leaders long enough to get a real answer to ‘So how’s it going?” you will quickly discover that a surprising number of leaders are disheartened. Even discouraged. You know what thousands of leaders facing many different situations have in common?  They’re discouraged.  Sure, the problems […]


Principles of Spiritual Growth: The Three Catalysts God Uses to Grow Us

by Tim Lafleur: In his book Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life, Donald Whitney says that God uses three primary catalysts to grow us: People Circumstances (especially adversity) The Spiritual Disciplines The first two catalysts can help to change us from the outside in; but the spiritual disciplines work to change […]